The Independent Voice of West Indies Cricket

Leaking: Leewards' squad named- Aljo back! Bye bye Oshame!

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voiceofreason 2/14/25, 6:17:08 PM
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debut: 1/20/04
90,903 runs

I hope the Yardies realize what is going on here with Leewards 200/0. Oh what a beating Oshame would have received had we played him. Leewards may have saved O-Shame's glorious career!
Raskil 2/15/25, 5:27:35 PM
Raskil avatar image

debut: 11/13/02
13,378 runs

In reply to voiceofreason


Don’t say a word lol
voiceofreason 2/15/25, 5:33:32 PM
voiceofreason avatar image

debut: 1/20/04
90,903 runs

Aljo 2 in 2 ! Titties on the run!
voiceofreason 2/15/25, 5:35:44 PM
voiceofreason avatar image

debut: 1/20/04
90,903 runs

Aljo bowling an Oshame like spell here!
buds 2/15/25, 6:08:44 PM
buds avatar image

debut: 11/15/02
20,420 runs

In reply to voiceofreason

Oshane would have the tits reeling steering defeat already. AJO bowling crap.
natty_forever 2/15/25, 7:56:35 PM
natty_forever avatar image

debut: 4/28/03
60,214 runs

In reply to buds

That facker will never admit to the facts. Insular to the bone!
voiceofreason 2/16/25, 3:01:30 AM
voiceofreason avatar image

debut: 1/20/04
90,903 runs

In reply to natty_forever

you calling me insular and you championing a bowler who has a FC record ave 39.75 and s/r 62.8? You serious dude? I know Budhead is delusional but you bordering on the same. Again if Oshame was so good why did the Yardies let him go?
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voiceofreason 2/16/25, 3:03:36 AM
voiceofreason avatar image

debut: 1/20/04
90,903 runs

In reply to budhead

One fastbowler took wickets in the Match and that was Aljo. Not evenn Jayden Seales got wickets on that pitch and he is a good bowler. So you expect Oshame to take wickets?

Allyuh calling me insular and allyuh championing a Shithound?

Well well well!
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