The Independent Voice of West Indies Cricket

FBI uncovers new Al Qaeda plot

SnoopDog 2/19/25, 5:29:29 PM
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debut: 1/24/04
16,003 runs

These guys mean business.

And....they will succeed this time round.
googley 2/19/25, 6:22:59 PM
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debut: 2/9/04
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In reply to SnoopDog

XDFIX 2/19/25, 7:09:03 PM
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debut: 3/2/03
18,161 runs

In reply to SnoopDog

Thought it was gonna be create a fire to out a fire!
bravos 2/19/25, 7:27:24 PM
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debut: 10/14/09
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In reply to SnoopDog

sgtdjones 2/19/25, 10:35:40 PM
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debut: 2/16/17
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In reply to SnoopDog

The unsettling aspect is that Canada is almost immediately adjacent to the final results.
carl0002 2/20/25, 3:13:38 PM
carl0002 avatar image

debut: 4/16/03
25,830 runs

Wait, isn't that The FBI director? big grin
SnoopDog 2/20/25, 10:11:03 PM
SnoopDog avatar image

debut: 1/24/04
16,003 runs

In reply to carl0002

Wait, isn't that The FBI director?

Could very well be. lol

And that's a very comfy looking couch. He's in this for the long haul. lol