The Independent Voice of West Indies Cricket

Hell NO

hubert 3/23/25, 5:15:01 PM
hubert avatar image

debut: 11/14/02
19,550 runs

Just read on AOL that 'king' Trump will accept offer of Associate
Membership in the British Commonwealth . He has been invited to meet
with Charles soon for his second visit to UK.
And the Felon says he will accept the offer... Full membership could
subsequently result.
What the Ephraim and Manaseh going on ????

Hope this is fake news.
StumpCam 3/23/25, 5:28:10 PM
StumpCam avatar image

debut: 1/1/04
12,674 runs

In reply to hubert

I saw it on MSN as well!
Chrissy 3/23/25, 5:55:37 PM
Chrissy avatar image

debut: 11/14/02
199,467 runs

In reply to hubert
Acceptance means he can’t annex or invade Canada
imusic 3/23/25, 6:36:57 PM
imusic avatar image

debut: 11/13/02
79,818 runs

In reply to Chrissy

Acceptance means he can’t annex or invade Canada

You really believe that?
velo 3/23/25, 6:41:24 PM
velo avatar image

debut: 7/29/19
4,803 runs

Isnt america a former english colony?
Drapsey 3/23/25, 7:56:27 PM
Drapsey avatar image

debut: 12/26/07
34,490 runs

In reply to hubert

Give some credit to #45.

With this move, he could be positioning himself for the ascendance to the British Throne.

Gwaan #45.
hubert 3/23/25, 8:24:12 PM
hubert avatar image

debut: 11/14/02
19,550 runs

In reply to Drapsey

That thought came to me a short while ago. This is all crazy.
But USA was once part of the British Empire..
Lord help us.
I am now convinced that Trump is the open door to the coming of the
sgtdjones 3/23/25, 10:03:55 PM
sgtdjones avatar image

debut: 2/16/17
38,886 runs


Orange Marmalade can accept anything he wants.

His insane impulses must be approved by the Senate and Congress.

To make this possible, he needs 60 Senate votes.
Chrissy 3/23/25, 10:57:00 PM
Chrissy avatar image

debut: 11/14/02
199,467 runs

In reply to imusic
Me - di Brits think so
Brerzerk 3/24/25, 5:52:50 PM
Brerzerk avatar image

debut: 3/16/21
12,188 runs

In reply to hubert

Not USA per se but the thirteen British Colonies
hubert 3/24/25, 6:28:49 PM
hubert avatar image

debut: 11/14/02
19,550 runs

In reply to Brerzerk

Yup..all under the Crown .lol
Now as The Big Country he wants to live under the Big Ben Chimes .

The King, Charles through a Commonwealth Secretariat should say yea but all Commonwealth
dictates to you will be done through Ottawa, Canada as a very Senior
Member of the Empire and as the newest member you will be guided through all
protocols by your northern neighbor for the first three years of associate status.

Con Don ,Do you still want In ? lollol
- edited -
WI_cricfan 3/24/25, 6:41:06 PM
WI_cricfan avatar image

debut: 10/12/06
13,136 runs

In reply to hubert

I am now convinced that Trump is the open door to the coming of the
Anti Christ

I alluded to this in a thread asking if the Anti Christ is among us.
carl0002 3/24/25, 6:45:09 PM
carl0002 avatar image

debut: 4/16/03
25,928 runs

Nough lies on the internet. Check and double check all sources.
carl0002 3/24/25, 7:03:04 PM
carl0002 avatar image

debut: 4/16/03
25,928 runs

In reply to Hubert/WI_cricfan

You would not believe how close you are. That with the project 2025/Evangelical mess will usher in the ultimate deception. I stated on another thread this morning that's why all these companies, countries will eventually bow to the orange king and not put up a fight because they will seek to preserve and protect their money and power and its easier for them to bow than than to put up a fight and leave the poor people to the whims of the rich and powerful. This talk of Christian Nationalism in the Republican party and these Evangelicals with their 7 Mountain Prophesy/Mandate is literally the doctrine of devils and a deception of the highest order.
hubert 3/24/25, 7:44:04 PM
hubert avatar image

debut: 11/14/02
19,550 runs

In reply to WI_cricfan

I remember seeing that thread. We are really living in very interesting Times.
It was only four months ago we could say that things were a bit normal.
Then comes the Felon smile