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Spuds, here is something for you, expensive

ToldUSo 2014-10-27 15:43:12 

This could be perfect for the West Indies if it weren't so expensive.

Link Text

BatQuake 2014-10-27 16:08:10 

In reply to ToldUSo

A water generator? What is dat? It generating water from air or is it generating electricity by using water as fuel or.....or (uuummmmmm), it is using electricity to generate water?

I think this would be a good Christmas present for Lenks. Send one for Lenks for his Christmas.

P.S. - What happen to the solar flare nuh? Like it forget to mash up de place?

Khary9 2014-10-27 16:22:54 

In reply to BatQuake

P.S. - What happen to the solar flare nuh? Like it forget to mash up de place?
lol lol lol

ToldUSo 2014-10-27 18:23:30 

Where you at Spud, no more blackouts ever, all you need is water.

SpudsMcKenzie 2014-10-27 20:46:27 

In reply to ToldUSo

I have an inverter, dude.

Blackouts are irrelevant to me. wink wink wink wink wink wink wink wink

Allyuh gaan learn!


ToldUSo 2014-10-27 21:07:21 

In reply to SpudsMcKenzie

But you're still buying fuel for your generator, this is a water generator.

SpudsMcKenzie 2014-10-27 21:16:59 

In reply to ToldUSo

Dude...dude................shut yuh skunt nuh!

Solar rass power ok............okay? Gas? STFU!!

U making yuhself look like a skunt with yuh phuckeries.



bravos 2014-10-27 21:20:46 

In reply to ToldUSo

but you need a pump if you not hooked up to the water grid. What's gonna power that? I can think of a way for it to power the pump,but it would have to be 'primed' by a powerful water source still..A very novel idea with limited practical application.

ToldUSo 2014-10-27 21:21:53 

In reply to SpudsMcKenzie

What's with the animosity, it was just a question? How does solar work at night, just a question dude, no need to be an AssHole again____?

pelon 2014-10-27 21:25:15 

In reply to ToldUSo shock shock shock shock

How does solar work at night, just a question dude

Solar works at night because it charges 12v batteries with the surplus energy created in the daylight hours. An inverter converts the 12v dc to AC power for your appliances/power needs. With enough 12v DC batteries in a charge bank, you can power a house all night long....

Seriously, you live in Cali.... what a shock that you have to ask that question!!!!

next time someone here ask if you are an engineer, please refer them to the brain dead questions you ask!

U making yuhself look like a skunt with yuh phuckeries
aint dat de truth...

ToldUSo 2014-10-27 21:34:53 

In reply to pelon

Really don't need the anamosity, just an exchange of information. Except for lights for a limited time period, what can on run off a 12v battery, how about the refrigerator, how does this possibly compare with a generator that runs off of water with :

1. 110v outlet

2. 220v outlet.

See dude I knew your answer before you offered it, now answer the question, how does this compare.

pelon 2014-10-27 21:38:32 

In reply to ToldUSo
shock shock shock

Except for lights for a limited time period, what can on run off a 12v battery, how about the refrigerator

Are you on crack?
Of course you can run every appliance in the house including 110v AND 220v....

No, I am now convinced of your charade. Moonman, that you know nothing of solar power is shocking....

We have had a solar powered house for 4 years... everything including the fridge and 220v appliances can be powered off of a bank of 12V batteries....
I even get a check in the mail from the power company on a good month!
Seriously, you are brain dead.

Why don't you educate yourself before you play with the big boys like Spuds?

ToldUSo 2014-10-27 21:41:50 

In reply to pelon

Dude what kind of idiot are you, this is just feeding into the power line, it doesn't run anything in the home. You are such an idiot, now answer the question, how does 12v provide power for anything other than a light source.

pelon 2014-10-27 21:43:20 

In reply to ToldUSo

Dude what kind of idiot are you, this is just feeding into the power line, it doesn't run anything in the home. You are such an idiot, now answer the question, how does 12v provide power for anything other than a light source

shock shock shock shock shock shock

Moonman, some people think I should be nice - but when you clearly don't understand something - don't speak with certainty...

LAST TIME: I run the entire house off Solar. NO Power line needed. Fridge and all.

black 2014-10-27 21:44:25 

In reply to pelon

Solar works at night because it charges 12v batteries with the surplus energy created in the daylight hours.

And TYS call himself ah genius?

pelon 2014-10-27 21:49:57 

Moonman: Learn

A bank of solar panels trickle charges 12V batteries during daylight. the amount of batteries is your capacity of storage. the amount of panels determines how much AMPS (not volts) goes to that bank of batteries. More amps the faster the charge rate. A charge controller makes sure the batteries are not over charged - and that the voltage remains near 12v. Always DC at this stage.

All of the batteries are DC.

More batteries = more energy stored. But you need a balance of Batteries and panels based on your current (electrical) needs.

An inverter (Sine Wave best) takes the energy stored in the 12v DC cells and converts it to AC power.

The right equipment can then up-convert/down-convert between 110/220 Volts AC

This is not "talk" this is the simple facts of solar... (I simplified the tutorial for your needs)

it is stunning you don't know these basics.

LAST time: a solar can power a house!!!!

ToldUSo 2014-10-27 21:57:17 

In reply to pelon

Still trying to figure out how you can run a 110v & 220v device off of a 12v supply______? Remember I know engineering, even electrical engineering dude.

Moonman, some people think I should be nice - but when you clearly don't

Don't have to be nice to me, we're not friends, just be professional, technical and advance logical arguments, that would suffice.

pelon 2014-10-27 22:02:54 

In reply to ToldUSo

Still trying to figure out how you can run a 110v & 220v device off of a 12v supply______? Remember I know engineering, even electrical engineering dude.

OMG - My mouth just dropped!

The biggest bullshit you ever spewed:
Remember I know engineering, even electrical engineering dude.

12V or 24V or 48V DC batteries can be converted to 110 AC via an inverter. LAST TIME: the device is called an INVERTER.

12V to 110v is done so easily, I am here jaw dropped that you challenge this!!!!

you just shot yourself in the foot:
know engineering, even electrical engineering dude.


ToldUSo 2014-10-27 22:07:03 

In reply to pelon

Do you understand that everything in the home, even your TV runs off of dc power or do you. Only heating devices can run off or ac power because of I sq R.

pelon 2014-10-27 22:08:01 

In reply to ToldUSo

Do you understand that everything in the home, even your TV runs off of dc power or do you.


It is converted from AC to DC at the device... if you ran 110v DC to your TV it would blow up!

The power coming form the grid is AC

That you would even challange that a house can be powered by solar is INSANE!
Fcuk off dude! Yuh chatting skunt

ToldUSo 2014-10-27 22:12:04 

In reply to pelon

Dude ask any engineer, the only devices that run off of AC are heating devices, everything else converts the AC power and blocks the negative wave.

I told you that you didn't know what you're talking about, all AC power is converted, you can't use negative and positive power waves.

AC Power is a Sine Wave dude, best demo on an oscilloscope.

lol lol lol lol lol

pelon 2014-10-27 22:15:19 

In reply to ToldUSo

See my thread!

It is converted from AC to DC at the device... if you ran 110v DC to your TV it would blow up!

Look, don't try to get away: how can you not think 12V DC can't be converted to 110V

I am telling you a car battery can be converted to 110V

I am telling you a solar powered house can run ALL your appliances with the right bank of batteries.

If you don't understand something- go learn!


ToldUSo 2014-10-27 22:19:36 

In reply to pelon

Dude go talk to an engineer, all those devises block the AC wave and converted them into DC. Like I told you before, AC power is a sine wave.

lol lol lol lol lol

pelon 2014-10-27 22:33:17 

In reply to ToldUSo

You making joke? I know you know that a house can be powered off solar COMPLETELY!!

ToldUSo 2014-10-27 22:42:38 

In reply to pelon

I'm not making a joke, I'm dead serious, go ask your engineering buds what I told you, see you plug into an AC outlet, but the device cannot use AC power, it's all converted, only your lights and heating devices can run off of AC power. Go ask someone that knows and come back tomorrow.

Like I keep telling you AC power is a sine wave.

JohnDoe 2014-10-27 22:58:26 

In reply to ToldUSo

You speak ignorance with such authority.

ToldUSo 2014-10-27 23:08:35 

In reply to JohnDoe

FO you idiot. What I said stands, AC power is a sine wave and has to be converted, ask any engineer. Do come here with bullshit if you don't know what you're talking about.

JohnDoe 2014-10-27 23:23:39 

In reply to ToldUSo

This is not engineering dude, this is basic fourth form physics.

ToldUSo 2014-10-27 23:26:50 

In reply to JohnDoe

basic fourth form physics

We do it in engineering labs dude, you just talk about it. How come Pelon couldn't understand what I tried to explain to him.

You had oscilloscopes in your physics lab, what high school is this.

chunnie 2014-10-27 23:30:14 

ToldUSo seems to be intent on making himself look like an ass today.

JohnDoe is right, this is frigging high school physics. Makes you wonder how he became an engineer.

Also, I may not have much experience in the field of solar power, but I work closely enough with someone who is in the field to know that what pelon is saying is true.

ToldUSo keeps trying to portray himself as a someone with all the knowledge in the world. The sad truth is that he probably has less wisdom than an adolescent.

pelon 2014-10-27 23:34:54 

In reply to ToldUSo

Moonman for the last time, it is possible to convert 12v DC to 110v AC. It is madness to suggest otherwise.

An inverter does this. A solar powered house can run a fridge with the correct bank of batteries...

How do you not know what a DC inverter is?
Do you seriously not know this.

ToldUSo 2014-10-27 23:37:06 

In reply to chunnie

Dude stay off the thread if you have nothing to offer.


Your time would be better spent finding vacuum planets.

chunnie 2014-10-27 23:37:29 

Perhaps ToldUSo should do some proper research before trying to argue about things he clearly does not understand.

AC-DC explained
Power Inverters for Solar Power

pelon 2014-10-27 23:40:15 

In reply to chunnie

It is a shock he does not know 12v DC can be converted to 110v AC.

A shock.... This is stuff you do at age 12.

JohnDoe 2014-10-27 23:40:30 

In reply to ToldUSo

Do you understand how an electric motor is able to run on AC power? High school physics again.

chunnie 2014-10-27 23:40:44 

In reply to ToldUSo

If that's what helps you sleep soundly at night, then by all means, continue with your ignorance. But you should check out those links above and stop making a fool of yourself.

chunnie 2014-10-27 23:45:23 

In reply to pelon

The sad thing is a simple Google search is all it'd take to find out the truth.

Some inverters that convert 12V DC to 110V AC

pelon 2014-10-27 23:47:39 

engineer, he long ago said he was not an engineer... But this is basic stuff.

Shocking what he typed above.

pelon 2014-10-27 23:55:21 

In reply to chunnie

Even if he reads your link... I think you should expect someone at his age to not know about off the grid solar homes....

Basic basic stuff.

black 2014-10-28 00:28:10 

In reply to pelon

TYS has lost so much credibility on this site.....not that he had any to begin with lol lol lol

SpudsMcKenzie 2014-10-28 04:22:37 

Damn...............i am speechless this guy doesnt know how an inverter works.

Allyuh try wid he. i doan give such ignorance much attention.......................BYE!


ToldUSo 2014-10-28 08:45:42 

In reply to SpudsMcKenzie

Damn...............i am speechless this guy doesnt know how an inverter works.

Don't be speechless, there are a lot of things I don't know how they work, what's so big about that. This is a specific item, probably no around for very long, why should I have in interest in finding out about this.

Now on to the original topic, how could a generator run on water alone, no fuel needed______?

pelon 2014-10-28 09:37:17 

In reply to ToldUSo

More ignorance on display

This is a specific item, probably not around for very long, why should I have in interest in finding out about this.
rolleyes rolleyes rolleyes

No bitch, after parading up and down this thread about "I known engineering, even electrical engineering".... then to still talk yuh skunt about "probably not around for very long" well hear nuh - inverters have been around for DECADES. It is the very basics of engineering. THE VERY BASICS. The concept of an inverter was around since the end of the 1800's. widespread useage since the late 1950's

As stated - your credibility is shot. No wonder you posted nonsense about Tesla's "free energy", you are clueless.

You can't divert the thread away from the ugly truth: you are a clueless fraud!

Please, you found a Caribbean forum thinking: AHHHH here is a place where I can go uncontested.... well hear nuh - yuh read we wrong... carry your dumb ass or just stick to sports...

ToldUSo 2014-10-28 09:41:35 

In reply to pelon

The very next time you call me moonbitch, I'll call you an equally endearing term, Pelon the fag. Why do you always have to be so childish in your comment.

pelon 2014-10-28 09:43:54 

In reply to ToldUSo
oooohhhh - hurt me - Pelon the fag...
redface redface you hurt my feelings. redface redface
boo hoo, watch fake tears spout out me eye!!!

rolleyes rolleyes Stupse, please! Pelon the fag.... oh dear... yuh come wid dat as a retort????

Please school boy - go read about DC current and fax me, email, send smoke cloud of your findings. Dumb skunt

You found a Caribbean forum online thinking: AHHHH here is a place where I can go uncontested.... well hear nuh - yuh read we wrong... carry your dumb ass or just stick to sports...

ToldUSo 2014-10-28 10:00:08 

In reply to pelon

So you like being called 'Pelon the Fag'. I'm learning new things about you everyday.

pelon 2014-10-28 10:11:36 

In reply to ToldUSo

Call me anything you need to call me... especially if it makes the pain go away.

Are you affected by name calling? If so, stay away from this forum - as we have fun here all day ribbing each other.

I remain shocked you did not know the very basics of solar power/inverters.

You chose the path: you boasted about "I known engineering, even electrical engineering"... if you really come here to learn - don't speak with certainty about things you have no clue about. Simple. You project yourself in a way that erks me - and when it comes to sciences - you are waaayyyyy off most of the time. WAY off.

Please, if you want to learn/grow - stop being so obstinate and arrogant about things you simply have no clue about.

Look above at this thread... look how long it took to explain the conversion from DC to AC...

Seriously: I wish you the best.

ToldUSo 2014-10-28 10:16:24 

In reply to pelon

Call me anything you need to call me... especially if it makes the pain go away.

No I have no interest in being as childish as you are, I have no interest in mindless acrimony which is what you continuously bring to the table.

I'll just ignore you from here on out, ask Black and BQ. Plenty of members here who argue and remain civil, it goes to their upbringing.

SpudsMcKenzie 2014-10-28 10:23:41 

So I take it i will never see either of you address the other again?? Pelon and ToduSo??


chunnie 2014-10-28 10:44:18 

In reply to pelon

Spot on.

Cheeks 2014-10-29 17:34:53 

WAIT !!! How come I miss dis thread????

Nuff kicks in dis place yeah.

ToldUso....please man...I beg you...even if yuh eh know wuh yuh talkin bout....a lil humility to at least google di ting could prevent you from chatting so much rubbish man.

Dis one win fuh sure.

Curtis 2014-10-29 18:12:10 

TolduSoSpudsMckenzie - busted

lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol

Curtis 2014-10-29 18:24:13 

dem men posting from the same ip address to rass
lol lol

BatQuake 2014-10-29 18:40:58 

In reply to ToldUSo

Aye, I had even forget about this thread.........I see you have been soundly busted.

So you are an engineer who claims to know electrical engineering and you ain't know about an inverter eh.

....(sigh).....................And after you were busted, you trying to change the topic I see.

You should apologize to Pelon.

JimBob 2014-10-29 18:41:14 

In reply to Cheeks

WAIT !!! How come I miss dis thread????

Nuff kicks in dis place yeah.

Just reading it myself. Man, Pelon was like a predator hunting down prey until he cornered it. Once you saw smiley faces, you knew it was over. As another poster alluded, this might be the thread of the year.

BatQuake 2014-10-29 18:43:33 

In reply to Curtis

Wait hold up..............(gasp), SpudsMckenzie is ToldUSo in disguise?

pelon 2014-10-29 18:58:56 

In reply to JimBob

pelon was like a predator hunting down prey until he cornered it.

lol lol lol lol lol

I took no joy in this exercise. He just stood there and volleyed his madness....

The first time I had to do this was when he post about a "magnetic hill" in Barbados. 2 days of him being pig-headed-Mr. Know it-all - and he then capitulated and admitted he knew nothing about the topic.

With this DC to AC thread, I was repeatedly pointing him to the facts - in basic detail - but as per usual, his mind was made up. Moonman actually made a complete ass of himself here, when all that was required was for him to google DC AC Inverter.

I really meant what I said to Moonman:
you found a Caribbean forum thinking: AHHHH here is a place where I can go uncontested.... well hear nuh - yuh read we wrong... carry your dumb ass or just stick to sports...

pelon 2014-10-29 19:00:25 

In reply to Cheeks

WAIT !!! How come I miss dis thread????

Nuff kicks in dis place yeah.

Fuh his sake, do a "Men in Black" look at the light and pretend it never happened.

ToldUSo 2014-10-29 19:08:14 

In reply to Cheeks

Dude I was waiting to see if anyone would address the elephant in the room, but everyone looked right pass the elephant and head to stupid.

Elephant in the room.....

How could a generator run on water and use no fuel.

Now this is what I'd like to see addressed.