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No Controversy for This Guy

Headley 2015-01-17 07:25:31 

We would have liked to have a lot of players in our one-day team but I am not in charge of who selects teams."


What I like about the guy is that the comment does not need to make sense as long as it serves the purpose. I see a future for him in Regional Cricket Administration.

There should be a Hall of Fame for Bullshitters.

FanAttick 2015-01-17 07:29:09 

In reply to Headley

Cowardice...that is why he wasnt respected by his players....

sudden 2015-01-17 07:30:36 

In reply to Headley

what are you getting at?

Courtesy 2015-01-17 07:31:01 

In reply to FanAttick

It's cowardice in Jamaica...but respect and diplomacy in other civilized parts of the world.

FanAttick 2015-01-17 07:37:34 

In reply to Courtesy

That is why when asked to give his opinion on apartheid Nelson Mandela replied I would like to chance it but since I'm not in charge I'm going to let it slide and let the status quo remain. .very diplomatic. ...

Similarly Monday is Martin Luther King holiday because MLK did and said nothing about Jim Crow and segregation. ..

But Scummy has perfected the art of riding on Gayle's back....

Drapsey 2015-01-17 07:39:10 

In reply to Headley

DURBAN, South Africa (CMC) -- West Indies T20 captain Darren Sammy says he will not be drawn into the controversy surrounding the omission of Dwayne Bravo and Kieron Pollard from the regional squad for next month's World Cup.

Respect, $ammy. Preserve your dignity while staying above the fray.

Courtesy 2015-01-17 07:41:20 

In reply to FanAttick

And Sammy like Mandela said " I am the first accused."

Pretoria, 20 April 1964


And permit me to quote (closer to home) Fazeer Mohammed on the issue:

" By general standards he overstepped the mark, by Gayle's standards it's normal - he stands his ground."

And to quote Courtesy: "It's cowardice in Jamaica...but respect and diplomacy in other civilized parts of the world."

jahmekyah 2015-01-17 08:01:02 

In reply to Courtesy

but respect and diplomacy in other civilized parts of the world
I agree but the actual definition of this;
is friendly, sympathetic and empathic to your problem. but once the boss is involved that said person becomes a backstabber, judas, betrayer informer and doublecross you, hypocrisy at its best

He wii not get in trouble or lose his job, may even get promoted. those who work in the corporate civilized world will know this is true

Courtesy 2015-01-17 08:03:01 

In reply to jahmekyah

Stop pulling crap from your arse...provide evidence to back up your shit.

Drapsey 2015-01-17 08:50:11 

In reply to Headley

No Controversy for This Guy

I like that word, Controversy, if only because it eluded the HHGS Amen Corner when they used names like Courtesy; Commie; Cuter; Century; Cheeks; and for the life of me, I can't remember the "C" name used by Imran.

sudden 2015-01-17 08:59:04 

In reply to Drapsey


Cheeks 2015-01-17 09:00:26 

In reply to FanAttick

Cowardice...that is why he wasnt respected by his players....

Wrong on both counts.

Poor you!!!

What a rapid descent from mildly funny a purgatorical ( I made dat word up) state of confusion for you.

Or maybe you were just waiting to see what CHG would do to take position??? Powen mussi yuh hero. big grin big grin

Drapsey 2015-01-17 09:02:44 

In reply to sudden

Good Morning, sudden.

You should've used the Controversy handle. sudden just didn't fit the Amen Corner role you played.

Courtesy 2015-01-17 09:05:37 

In reply to Drapsey

Oh shut up!!!... you toothless harridan.

sudden 2015-01-17 09:07:00 

In reply to Drapsey

Dropsey fits you well

Drapsey 2015-01-17 09:12:28 

In reply to Courtesy

Oh shut up!!!... you toothless harridan.

You should try to tell me that in person. evil twisted evil twisted evil twisted

Courtesy 2015-01-17 09:17:11 

In reply to Drapsey

You should try to tell me that in person.

Now guhlong and hide granny.

lol lol lol

Headley 2015-01-17 09:46:50 

In reply to sudden

what are you getting at?

What is the point, you cannot see it. That part of your sensibility has been exorcised without your even realizing it.

The good book probably expresses it best - Jer. 5:21 (King James version): "Hear now this, O foolish people, and without understanding; which have eyes, and see not; which have ears, and hear not."

The man it is claimed you made a king used to refer to people with that missing component as half-idiots.

A leader of men should wear a red shirt NOT a brown pants.

Ewart 2015-01-17 10:25:57 

In reply to Drapsey

Then him would know how a "toothless" bite hot!

lol lol lol lol lol


Ewart 2015-01-17 10:27:04 

In reply to FanAttick

Similarly Monday is Martin Luther King holiday because MLK did and said nothing about Jim Crow and segregation. ..

big grin big grin big grin big grin big grin



sudden 2015-01-17 11:34:25 

In reply to Headley

Seriously, what is your point? Just come right out and say it. I don't want all de long talk

Drapsey 2015-01-17 11:59:54 

In reply to Ewart

That Courtesy fellow is a spider. A venomous one too.

Imagine this guy using such language while referring to a mild mannered if not friendly person like me. That type of description should be reserved for posters like RedBaron who never missed an opportunity to remind those dotties that they're a product of inbreeding.

Courtesy 2015-01-17 12:26:04 

In reply to Drapsey

That Courtesy fellow is a spider. A venomous one too.

...Imagine this guy using such language while referring to a mild mannered if not friendly person like me...


And Courtesy is a black mamba.

Move on and stop toothless harridan.

Next time you will learn not to trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.

lol lol lol