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Expect Crooked Hillary supporters to say she won

problemjay 2016-09-26 22:41:24 

lol she won by smiling when Trump had her in a corner evil

BeatDball 2016-09-26 22:46:45 

U can bet your bank account! U know how liberals are - barefaced liars!

problemjay 2016-09-26 22:47:02 

New York Poll saying Trump won by 70%

nickoutr 2016-09-26 22:48:17 

In reply to problemjay
the pundits are complaining he didn't hit harder on emails ... that email scandal is coming in other debate

problemjay 2016-09-26 23:00:30 

In reply to nickoutr

I think when the race relations in America issue was being debated he should have reminded the public of the crime bill the Clintons initiated and put into legislation that started the same prison industry complex that put many black youths in prison for a long time for minor offences.

powen001 2016-09-26 23:04:37 

In reply to problemjay

you re funny...

taking one in front eh?

big grin

boy oh boy.

Hilary was better than I thought she would be...Trump..crumbled when I didnt expect him to...

oh well..all of that means squat until November this is just entertainment at this point.

problemjay 2016-09-26 23:06:57 

In reply to powen001

what was Hilary better at? better at smiling in front camera when he linked her to long time failures in foreign policy? evil

powen001 2016-09-26 23:31:55 

In reply to problemjay

will you accept the decision of the voters come November? big grin

nick2020 2016-09-26 23:33:04 

I really have to apologize to black.

problemjay 2016-09-26 23:35:52 

In reply to powen001

Well we know which supporters will most likely riot and want to tear the country down if their candidate do not win, and is not the Republican conservation ones, so you asking the wrong side for acceptance twisted

problemjay 2016-09-26 23:53:28 

Clinton top 5 lies of the night Link Text