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Trump's Deplorables on the rampage.

ProWI 2016-11-21 00:19:36 

Especially those poorly educated ones..

There's Hamilton and then there is Hamilton and its theatre.

Drapsey 2016-11-21 06:21:40 

In reply to ProWI

Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump
Our wonderful future V.P. Mike Pence was harassed last night at the theater by the cast of Hamilton, cameras blazing.This should not happen!
8:48 AM - 19 Nov 2016
33,729 33,729 Retweets

This is the first time I'm in agreement with Trump.

ray 2016-11-21 09:10:58 

Maybe Trump and his team preferr March and Torch to just a simple request from a cast member

Ayenmol 2016-11-21 09:29:46 

In reply to Drapsey

This is the first time I'm in agreement with Trump.

The popular adage "action is better than words" come to mind. Even more apt is the way Jesus put it..."Out of the abundance of the heart,the mouth speaks."
This is someone who is about to hold the most powerful position in the Country. There is real concern about the manner in which he will wield such power.
An affected group, a minority group voices their concern in an appropriate setting to, not him, but his representative.
Instead of reassuring them, he demands an apology.

How dare they voice their concern at the expense of his entertainment?


Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks!

Kay 2016-11-21 11:42:07 

In reply to Ayenmol

The popular adage "action is better than words" come to mind

Quite true and the cast of Hamilton should take note. The man is not president yet, has not performed any presidential act as yet so it's premature to have these concerns about incompetence.

Ayenmol 2016-11-21 12:00:52 

In reply to Kay

Apparently you don't get it. The cast of Hamilton did what they thought their platform gave them the opportunity to.
Donald Trump, who will own the highest Office in the Land had the opportunity also to reassure the cast of Hamilton and millions of his constituents like said cast, instead he pulls the "stay in youf lane" card. The "do not speak unless you are spoken to".

P.s did you actually say it`s premature to have concerns about the man? Where have you been the last 2 years?
It does not speak to a mans motive when, given the opportunity to reassure his people he chooses the path of Kingly condescension.

Drapsey 2016-11-21 12:02:22 

In reply to Ayenmol

Let's regroup in 10 years and review the career of one Brandon Victor Dixon.

Ayenmol 2016-11-21 12:26:01 

In reply to Drapsey

So you gonna put the messenger on trial? Wow!


embsallie 2016-11-21 12:49:00 

The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, ensuring that there is no prohibition on the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble, or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances. It was adopted on December 15, 1791, as one of the ten amendments that constitute the Bill of Rights.

At the end of the day this is a Country of "free speech" or so I thought.
When did the "free" become null and void?

On the campaign trail Trump said what he wanted, when he wanted, even if 95% of what he said were false. And that was because he was afforded that right by the very notion of that as quoted above.

All the Hamilton cast is asking for is fair and equal treatment as it applies, not what Trump wants based on his campaign rhetoric.

JahJah 2016-11-21 12:56:55 

In reply to Drapsey

Never heard of him before, but judging by his tweet about St Paddy's day, for one, he seems like a colossal dunce. I don't think he wants a long career.

djdrastic 2016-11-21 13:01:10 

Would be a real shame if someone posted a link to his disturbing tweets

JahJah 2016-11-21 13:16:19 

In reply to djdrastic

A stupid xxxx of the highest...or is that lowest order.

Drapsey 2016-11-21 13:20:20 

In reply to Ayenmol

So you gonna put the messenger on trial? Wow!

No, I'm not!

I'm just saying that he just committed career suicide.

Ayenmol 2016-11-21 13:29:11 

Always intriguing to see the various stages of human behaviour unravel.

So this one member of the cast is singled out.
This person does not deserve a voice, but those virulent racist who have thrown all their weight behind Trump does?

You all want predictions? Here's one.

No Human Government will ever make everyone happy, but there are certain rulers that can make it a million times worse for the majority.

When a man running for office says that he rejoiced at the prospects of hard working people losing their home, people with pennies compared to him, just so he could add to his hundreds of millions?

Then am thinking that him running his campaign based on hate and racial, ethnic and religious fervor means he is hell bent on tearing this Country apart for the financial gain of himself and his cronies. Simple as that!

XFactor 2016-11-21 13:42:21 

In reply to Ayenmol

There's a time and place for everything. If someone goes to a show and gets singled out with a lecture from cast members, that’s not a level playing field. That is harassment!

Ayenmol 2016-11-21 13:54:45 

You're a joke. This is theatre. In fact it is not only theatre but Political and Social commentary.

Was anyone crying when they broke out the Cubs jingle?

Am pretty amazed you associate a level playing field with a Politician.

Loyalty...what a thing. They used to say love is a blinding force, it seems that has been summarily replaced by Politics.

XFactor 2016-11-21 13:58:54 

In reply to Ayenmol

Would you respond the same way if for example a Muslim man comes to your church and in the middle of the service your Pastoral team singles him out and proceeds to give the individual an Islamophobia lecture?

ProWI 2016-11-21 14:04:42 

Where was the "You Lie" outrage?

Grow some Donald, and along with that, some thick skin.

Ayenmol 2016-11-21 14:05:22 

In reply to XFactor

If that gathering was in Iraq and he was set to become second in command and there was a chance that he himself would incite a riot promoting Christianophobia? Then yes! I think it would be appropriate.


ProWI 2016-11-21 14:07:49 

In reply to XFactor

You reaching so far with that analogy, you are likely to end up with a strained arm, if not brain.

powen001 2016-11-21 16:09:04 

In reply to Drapsey


Did you see the clip?

The man was voicing the anxiety persons really do feel about the incoming Administration...


Kay 2016-11-21 16:25:59 

In reply to powen001

Yeah .... but I think Drapsey's point is not about the message but the messenger. Someone else on the cast without racial baggage could have done it....

Drapsey 2016-11-21 17:05:12 

In reply to powen001

The man was voicing the anxiety persons really do feel about the incoming Administration...

Wrong place.

The lecture could not be more inopportune.

But let's see how this guy's career turns out.

Emir 2016-11-21 17:32:04 

In reply to ProWI

You reaching so far with that analogy, you are likely to end up with a strained arm, if not brain.

Too late, his brain is already strained.

mitch44 2016-11-21 19:44:00 

In reply to JahJah
Just because this the back room does not mean that you can use foul language.

embsallie 2016-11-22 12:59:01 

Much ado about nothing.

The plea to the VP was just a testament to the anxiety blanketing this country.

Trump and Pence just have to deal with it this is the way things are right now.

"Time and place for everything" according to Drapsey.
So when Trump made all these disparaging statements and refuse to apologize his excuse was because it was on a campaign platform?

Apologize my ass. The President -Elect should first set the example and peeps will follow.

He ain't see nothing yet.