The Independent Voice of West Indies Cricket

Kenya hospital layoff of 100 doctors

Curtis 4/10/24, 6:26:33 PM
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debut: 12/4/02
15,927 runs

XDFIX 4/10/24, 10:06:07 PM
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debut: 3/2/03
17,083 runs

In reply to Curtis

Labor has no power?
camos 4/11/24, 12:08:45 AM
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debut: 5/6/03
57,318 runs

Saw a story recently where doctors in South Korea were striking because the government wanted to double the number of doctors.
Jumpstart 4/11/24, 12:13:14 AM
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debut: 11/30/17
9,350 runs

In reply to camos

One country is broke and one country is very, very rich