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T&T..7 babies die in less than a week at POSGH of sepsis

sgtdjones 2024-04-12 15:14:32 

7 babies die in less than a week at POSGH of sepsis

The parents of at least seven babies who died between April 2 and April 9 at the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at the Port-of-Spain General Hospital are calling for a full investigation into the circumstances surrounding their babies’ deaths. The babies, all under 32 weeks, died from sepsis. Guardian Media understands that at least one other baby is in critical condition. The North West Regional Health Authority, in a press release issued on Thursday evening, confirmed the deaths of the babies saying it was as a result of infections. The authority said laboratory tests detected the presence of three dangerous organisms—Serratia marcesens, ESBL Klebsiella pneumoniae, and Klebsiella aerogenes.

“Despite administering high-dose antibiotics and providing advanced and intensive cardio-respiratory support, the infection claimed the lives of some of these preterm babies, all weighing under 1500 grammes and less than 32 weeks gestational age. “Throughout this challenging ordeal, senior doctors were present providing care to the babies. Parents were regularly updated of their conditions. All parents have been referred to our Medical Social Work Department for bereavement counselling,” the NWRHA said in its release.

Before the NWRHA’s release, three sets of parents, Guardian Media spoke with, said that the true case of the deaths was not revealed to them. They had questions about how the situation was handled. The parents all said the deaths came as a terrible surprise because, before the weekend, their children were all healthy. One mother, who asked not to be named, wept uncontrollably as she spoke, pausing numerous times during the interview to try and compose herself. She said she doesn’t know where to begin to come to terms with the loss of her daughter.

She said she fought hard for her girl, spending a month in the hospital because of hypertension issues, and then having an emergency C-Section, only for this to happen.
“She started to see. She was moving. She would have been four weeks on Saturday. Everything was well. I held her, I spoke with her. All the tests they took showed nothing.“There were no signs of infection at that point, until around Saturday I got a call from the hospital saying that they moved her and put her in the back. I don’t know where. I don’t know why they moved her, but they had moved her from that area. After that, when I went in on Saturday to look for her, I realised all the babies, who were with her, weren’t there. The hospital staff was doing cleaning, intense cleaning. But they never told us what it is—even up to now,” the mother said.

sgtdjones 2024-04-12 15:29:01 

What else can go wrong in the hellhole?

Trini's comments


Lunatics are running TT… me ANYTHING, that works correctly in TT…..except stupidity…!!!!

I Mulligan

Babies born at 3.5 pounds=1500 grams have a mortality rate of 95%, per the BOSTON CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL--a research hospital in Massachusetts. So all these babies could have survived and thrived, but we have nurses who don't wash their hands after taking a poo in the no toilet paper toilet, scratch their heads, their armpits, their butts, etc., and then will handle newborn babies like animals in a slave plantation. POSGH is akin to a ROACH MOTEL=Once you Check in YOU NEVER CHECK OfUT. We are still a 4th-3rd world country where the rich live in largess via procurement Contracts/corruption, as the poor live worse than homeless dogs. When will the people see the light at the end of the tunnel??? Never, so perhaps they have learned to accept oppression...the plight of the poor and uneducated.

George Lewis

The POSGH is a place where traditionally you go to die. It is a tragedy that we and the MOH have allowed unsafe sanitation to continue for so long in a supposedly place of healing. Condoleances to all parents who have lost infants. The MOH has some explaining to do as a coat of paint won't fix this issue.


Incompetence, Carelessness or Laziness?.... Anyone with an infection is placed in isolation, except in PNM country. Sad for those parents.
DeLiarSing is astonished!

Different rule

He will remove his glasses, weep for a pnm journalist to take a picture, wipe his glasses with a cloth and resume whatever he does without a care.

Claude Gonzales

Dey chopping of head.

Dey killing babies.

Dey killing each other.

Dey killing Indians.

Dey Rowley missing

"jobs for incompetent pnm supporters is causing chaos in the hospital system. From casualty, the wards, the kitchen , the ladies who suppose to be cleaning and mopping the wards, chaos and confusion" (Different Rule).Ah wish Alvina was politically astute enough to write something like this. But you have your brains in the write pace to document an observation like that.

Alexis Archer

I have been working hard, for some time. I am beginning to see a 'shift in sentiments'.
More people are listening and finding their voices.
Right now, things have reached 'critical mass'.
It took decades to get to this point...
('quantum entanglement').
There will be no 'overnight fix'.
"Fighting the Good Fight"...Relentlessly.
"The Others" are mounting a 'counter offensive'. The rhetoric is escalating. Both disgust and disillusionment are the topics.
Patience, my son.

sgtdjones 2024-04-12 16:20:54 

'Several' premature babies die at Port of Spain hospital from infection

The North West Regional Health Authority (NWRHA) says several premature babies died during a four-day span at its Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at the Port of Spain General Hospital (POSGH) last week.

In a statement issued in the night on April 11, the NWRHA said the deaths occurred between April 4 and April 7.

During this time, staff observed a rapid deterioration in the clinical status of several neonates.

It said the medical team, recognising the severity of the situation, immediately initiated infectious diseases and control protocols for the treatment of late-onset neonatal sepsis.

It said the condition is known for its rapid onset and potentially devastating consequences.

sgtdjones 2024-04-12 21:45:07 

Health Ministry launches probe into the deaths of 7 babies at POSGH

CARIRI and PAHO have been engaged, while the Health Ministry has launched a separate investigation into the deaths of seven babies at the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of the Port of Spain General Hospital between April 4th and 7th, according to Health Minister Terrence Deyalsingh.

Before Parliament a short while ago, Minister Deyalsingh offered condolences to the families affected.

sgtdjones 2024-04-12 21:47:35 

Trini Comments:

Alexis Archer

What we do best.
If anything, surely a probe is coming.
If you need a probe, come to the experts.
Take a number and join the queue for your probe.

George Lewis

Mr. Deyalsingh..please note that unlike the San Fernando hospital you can't solve this problem with a fresh coat of paint. As Health Minister you are responsible for making sure that each hospital complies with health standards and therefore you are ultimately responsible for the deaths. Good luck getting reelected.

Lucky Seven

Being an exceptional and super dunce is what landed him a ministry position and portfolio in the non performing PNM government.

sgtdjones 2024-04-12 22:25:04 


Your Nurses really showing stupidity and the PNM Education here ?

7 kids died they were all handled by the same doctor/ Nurses that carried sepsis ?..huh...

Healthcare professionals should treat sepsis with antibiotics as soon as possible.
Observable signs that a provider may notice while assessing a septic patient include poor skin turgor, foul odors, vomiting, inflammation and neurological deficits.

Did the nurses not observe the aforementioned indications?
Or are they simply lacking proper training.
This indication is important to watch for in premature babies.
It's worth noting that doctors are not available around the clock in neonatal wards in T&T.
Why wasn't the senior resident informed and summoned by the nurses?
Are such personnel available at T&T hospitals?
The senior resident would have requested additional tests and sought the expertise of a specialist.
Parents observed the thorough cleaning of the prenatal unit, which occurred after the situation had already escalated.

Where is Rowley and why is he silent, beheading and now this, leadership is sorely lacking in T&T.
He will blame Kamla, its his only intelligent thought in that empty head