The Independent Voice of West Indies Cricket

18 children died, T&T Health Minister caught in lies

sgtdjones 4/25/24, 5:45:09 PM
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debut: 2/16/17
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18 children died, T&T Health Minister caught in lies

Describing facts as “stubborn things,” former Urban Development Corporation (Udecott) Chairman Jearlean John said the Couva hospital was complete with a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) when it was opened in August 2015.She made the statement in a media conference hosted by the opposition United National Congress (UNC) on Wednesday after Health Minister Terrence Deyalsingh maintained the Couva hospital did not have a NICU and was not meant to be a children's hospital.

However, John accused Deyalsingh of lying.
“I assure you the videotape is a true representation of the hospital when it was commissioned on August 14, 2015.”Dr Lackram Bodoe, who was chairman of the South West Regional Health Authority when the hospital was completed, also disputed Deyalsingh’s claims.“In the report, there's a stat diagram (which) essentially showed the facilities that were available at the Couva hospital. This report is a public document and it says clearly here, ‘Obstetrics, nursery and paediatric intensive care unit (with ) 13 rooms and 25 beds plus NICU (with) four beds.’”

Addressing Deyalsingh’s claims that the hospital was never really intended to be a children’s hospital, John said he was “splitting hairs” over a crucial issue that could benefit the people of TT.
“That is 80 more beds for children than we have now. That is 80 sick children who will not have to sleep in corridors. That's 150 beds for adults (which) we don't have now and that you have kept maliciously out of the health-care system.”

The PNM Government didn't open it owing to the fact that UNC Built the Couva Childrens Hospital in 2015.
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sgtdjones 4/25/24, 5:56:39 PM
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debut: 2/16/17
35,177 runs

T&T Comments:


Health Minister Terrence Deyalsingh calls the avoidable deaths of these babies an "unfortunate incident". How dare he diminish these deaths by calling the obvious negligence by his health authority as an incident? This is a very sad and tragic time for T&T and many will be grieving for their loss of a loved newborn (my heart goes out to all concerned). However, all citizens of T&T do not forget to be angry at what has happened here and call for a change in Govt because having people who cannot do the job assigned to them should not have that position. It's really that simple, if you want a country to function well on all levels then well qualified people need to have these positions of power, not just anyone who will be a YES man/woman to the PM.

Dragon Dog
DearTearsy Deliesingh

Yuh izza dotish, uncaring dunce. When the family sued, and you was talking yuh dotishness about de AG have lawyer too, that wasn't politicizing the incident?
In that same brainless rant, when you talk about Fuad Khan and Tim Gopeesingh, that wasn't politicizing the incident?
Who do you want the people in the country to blame? Ent like yuh similarly arrogant and dumb colleague "allyuh in charge now, deal with it"?
Allyuh feel position is about money, prestige and power, but when iz time to be accountable and do allyuh wuk and chest trap responsibility, allyuh want to deflect and throw red herrings?
Allyuh feel riding round in Prado and wearing ridicluos looking safety wear and posing with babies and giving out Danish butter cookies is all, and that is allyuh problem

Davis Sirjue

How obscene can this misfit as a Minister Health get by using the opposition to deflect blame for his incompetence. and mismanagement. In another country he would be charged for negligence, manslaughter and already made to resign… but this is the state of the banana republic where the law and constitution protect criminals, criminality and corruption.

Claire Rostant

PNM took Office before the Couva Hospital was fully equipped and the entire population was aware that the intent was a Children's Hospital so don't come here with your rubbish Deyalsingh its your political party that changed the use of that Hospital with malice toward the outgoing political party. You cannot hide facts. It is the same "malice" that has Dr Rowley attacking Farley in Tobago for Tobago's election results that thew the PNM out. Your party Minister Deyalsingh is overrun with malice. Forget what is best for Country, revenge and malice is what pervades from the PNM. This situation exposes the fact that you Minister Deyalsingh are fixated on Covid Deaths running around the country counting Covid Deaths and reporting in the daily news while you are not doing your job as Minister of Health you are a square peg times ten that needs to be sent home for the good of the public.

The definition of a thickheaded person is someone lacking or marked by lack of intellectual acuity. In other words a dummy. This describes you Deyalsingh. Kamla called for the opening on the Children's Hospital because that is what the equipment and the intention was for the care primarily of children, the PNM is misusing that facility by performing tasks that are not related to children's care but Detyalsingh simply doesn't understand that. The UNC nad others are calling for your removal Minister Deyalsingh because as you refer to the deaths of eleven children as an incident, it not an incident, and incident is something that happens once, not eleven times and the Hospitals are supposed to have total oversight from you, the Minister of Health, and if eleven children die on your watch, the buck stops at your doorstep, not National Security or Finance, the Ministry of Health. The information coming out of the healthcare system is that there is no proper management in place and that's your job Minister Deyalsingh, to ensure that administrative proceedures and patient protocol are being structly adherered to and that is not the case, the nursing staff and doctors are managing themselves which is why neonatal nurses were not adhearing to protocols by not wearing masks possibly part of the reason that eleven sets of parents saw their children die. So you need to resign or the PM needs to fire you for incompetence. This is not political Minister Deyalsingh, its common sense.

Frank Rowl

The stink nasty PNM refused to open the couva childrens' hospital because it is in a UNC constituency.
They are a bunch of racist incompetent idiots who bringing this country down.
They should also stop politicizing things also.
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sgtdjones 4/25/24, 6:32:04 PM
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debut: 2/16/17
35,177 runs

Rowley busy traveling, racking up them Air Miles , gone to India to meet A Cricket owner.

Not allowed to be a critic of this government ...a poster claims I do such.