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HEADLINE: Stakeholders lambast J'can Government's failure to bid for T20 World Cup matches 2023-09-07 15:53:54 

As the cricketing fraternity in Jamaica continues to reel from news that the Government did not bid for any match in the region's hosting of the 2024 Twenty20 (T20) World Cup, one stakeholder has described the seeming indifference as "anti-cricket".

The tournament, scheduled for next June, is to be co-hosted by Cricket West Indies and United States Cricket.

Dr Akshai Mansingh, the dean of the Faculty of Sport at The University of the West Indies, said that by not bidding as a host venue, the Jamaican Government has shunned opportunities to boost the economy, upgrade infrastructure and further showcase the country as a tourist destination.

"We've turned our back to all of that, either because we don't have the foresight for planning, or we don't see this as a priority, or it's the anti-cricket direction we seem to be taking in Jamaica, whereby Jamaican cricket is being ignored, by and large," he told the Jamaica Observer on Wednesday.

Read more at Jamaica Observer

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Narper 2023-09-07 16:53:36 

HHmmmm looks like Jamaiaca is taking the first step in dismantling the farce called CWI

Gov of Jamaica is not investing a cent...

rhatid 2023-09-10 02:06:30 

[b]These so-called leaders of Jamaica are all dodo birds.

alfa1975 2023-09-10 14:54:47 

In reply to Narper The Government of Jamaica is right in not investing in CWI led cricket.Would you?.
After the 2007 World Cup,was the Jamaican taxpayer not left holding the bag for infrastructure development and improvements? Rather than spend scarce resources for policing , labour cost at the venues,tax exemptions for participants etc, why would you not spend that money to improve salaries to the Police,Teachers and Nurses,?
Cricket tourism? This is negligible . The Jamaican Tourism product is enhanced by returning Jamaicans and the diaspora , not to mention that US$3.0 Billion plus annual remittances.
CWI and its Jamaican owner/shareholder need to get their houses in order and stop depending on Government hand outs. Market and spend money to improve cricket in Jamaica. I read somewhere that there were 10 or 12 schools participating in the Headley Cup competition (rural high schools cricket),conversely there were something like 60 schools participating in the DaCosta Cup (rural high schools football competition).
What is wrong with that picture?. Oh... schoolboy football has local sponsors...

hubert 2023-09-10 15:02:27 

In reply to rhatid

That is perhaps a big compliment


rhatid 2023-09-10 20:03:15 

In reply to alfa1975
In other words, Jamaica is so poverty stricken that it is not capable of hosting international events. So, maybe Jamaicans should stop showing off and admit that they are not only the poorest of the cricketing countries, but is run by the most lame brained group of overpaid politicians. Maybe Jamaica should get out of the cricket business as they obviously can't afford it and are in way over their heads.