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HEADLINE: CWI CEO: We don't pay players a pittance 2024-01-22 15:30:40 

Cricket West Indies chief executive Johnny Grave has dismissed the notion that players are paid a “pittance” by the board, but said the emergence of even more franchise leagues meant an increase in economic opportunities for them, while further imperilling their availability for international tours.

Speaking to former England Test captains Michael Atherton and Nasser Hussain on the Sky Sports Cricket Podcast, Grave said CWI was actively seeking “balance and compromise” with players, in order to ensure full strength sides were selected for its Future Tours Programme obligations.

Last month, West Indies were forced to select a rookie side for the ongoing two-Test tour of Australia after the established likes of all-rounders Jason Holder and Kyle Mayers, chose to “explore T20 franchise opportunities.”

“We do pay our players very, very well. I think there is a perception in the world that we pay them pittance,” Englishman Grave asserted.

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WICFan 2024-01-22 16:09:02 

In reply to

At present, centrally contracted players are not deducted any of their ECB retainer for playing in the IPL, nor any other franchise tournaments outside the English season.

County-contracted players, meanwhile, pay back 1 per cent of their annual salary to their counties for the first 21 days at the IPL, and 0.7 per cent for subsequent days.

What's the CWI equivalent to this agreement?

allan 2024-01-22 16:15:15 

In reply to WICFan

does colin even know this haha

brians_da_best 2024-01-22 17:03:21 

So our top players earn almost half a million tax free a year. That is quite good when you take into account the cost of living here Vs places like England and Australia. India is an exception.

This doesn't even include sponsorships and endorsements that some of these guys manage

Curtis 2024-01-22 18:28:02 

Holder and Mayers would have made a YUGE difference in the outcome of that 1st Test too.

allan 2024-01-22 19:14:51 

In reply to Curtis

honestly, do you see them performing better than Greaves, Hodge, and Motie?

camos 2024-01-22 23:34:01 

The top CWI contract is like US$160,000, what is the CPL offering, for a better perspective?

doosra 2024-01-22 23:35:07 

In reply to camos

CPL top is about 180k i think

camos 2024-01-22 23:55:07 

In reply to doosra

That is good, but I bet the guy making the top central contract is not the same one making the top CPL money.

camos 2024-01-22 23:56:37 

In reply to Curtis

Holder and Mayers would have made a YUGE difference in the outcome of that 1st Test too.

All format Holder has abandoned the CWI!big grin

doosra 2024-01-23 00:05:22 

In reply to camos


brians_da_best 2024-01-23 04:33:48 

In reply to camos

You forget match fee on top of that

WICFan 2024-01-23 09:17:33 

Greaves was quite open in his interview with Athers & Nasser, makes good points about the revenue sharing model and how it needs looked at.

camos 2024-01-23 10:47:41 

In reply to brians_da_best

So our top players earn almost half a million tax free a year. That is quite good when you take into account the cost of living here Vs places like England and Australia.

It is an exaggeration to claim that our players have vast cost of living advantages over players in England and Australia; these countries have, free health care for life, free education, rents which are about 25-30% of a family budget is the only major expenditure our players may enjoy an advantage.

Baje 2024-01-23 22:23:08 

In reply to camos

Don't we have free education and health care in the Caribbean

camos 2024-01-23 22:46:14 

In reply to Baje not in Jamaica? every level has various costs, I know you guys in Bim have free university but who else?

brians_da_best 2024-01-24 08:47:17 

In reply to camos

our players don't play any taxes. The top tax slabs in most developed countries is north of 40%

Barry 2024-01-24 11:51:38 

In reply to brians_da_best

In all Caribbean islands?

PalsofMine 2024-01-24 12:32:02 

Let's put things in perspective. A salary of US$180K per year puts these regional players in the same band as senior executives in most of the top companies in the region. Can their contribution to WI cricket compare to the contribution of these executives to successful regional companies? if not, they are not paid a pittance, they may well be overpaid esp if they do not pay tax on their income and are free to earn income from league cricket in addition to the CWI contracts. Yes, they may not earn as much as their counterparts in other cricketing countries but honestly, how much would players of our quality earn in those countries? Would they even be eligible for central contracts from the boards of those countries? Would they be eligible for tax free status?

camos 2024-01-24 13:18:51 

In reply to PalsofMine

Yes, they may not earn as much as their counterparts in other cricketing countries but honestly, how much would players of our quality earn in those countries?

there were times we had the best players and team in the world, there were still among the lowest paid, so think of something else.

camos 2024-01-24 13:26:07 

In reply to brians_da_best

our players don't play any taxes. The top tax slabs in most developed countries is north of 40%

We are talking about players with average contract retainer value of $1,000,000 per year for multi-year, plus match fees that are a multiple of what our guys earn. Less than 1% of taxpayers are going to be paying in the top tax bracket.

brians_da_best 2024-01-24 20:54:56 

In reply to camos and Barry

Yes in all islands

Let’s say, a top West Indies player earns 500k, tax free.

An English player earns 1m with a 40 per cent tax deduction

Now compare the cost of living etc

England players probably have more personal endorsements compared to our guys, but that’s the market reality of the respective markets

I don’t see that big a gap, all things considered. Our guys are among the top income earners in the region and they don’t pay taxes. It’s a pretty sweet place to be in

brians_da_best 2024-01-24 20:58:11 

In reply to camos

On the contrary, our players have never been among the lowest paid. Ever

camos 2024-01-24 21:01:06 

In reply to brians_da_best

Let’s say, a top West Indies player earns 500k, tax free.

Our top guy earns less than the average guy there, and the major cost of living items in our region are free in England.

PalsofMine 2024-01-24 23:07:33 

In reply to camos

but is our top guy better than their average guy when you consider the returns (i.e. stats)? At the end of the day, there are economic disparities between regions. If a top player earns the equivalent of what top persons in other fields earn, then I say that there is no reason to complain. it is just a fact of life in the region where we live.