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HEADLINE: Alzarri, Romario and proper leadership 2023-04-04 16:03:08 

In an interview after West Indies won the decisive T20 International against South Africa on March 28, fast bowler Alzarri Joseph said that he loved playing under Rovman Powell, the WI captain from Jamaica, who led them to an excellent victory, clinching the series 2-1.

He remarked that he felt comfortable when the skipper handed him the ball, as he had built in him the necessary confidence by telling him that it was up to him to win the match and he, the captain, had the faith in him to do the trick.

That quip alone inspired Alzarri to give his bowling that extra effort to beat the South Africans. I believe that, without actually knowing it, skipper Powell made the right comment, psychologically, to excite the positive intensity of his fast bowler’s approach. This fired up Alzarri’s enthusiasm to fetch victory against a foe that WI had not conquered on their home turf in almost ten years; in any format of the game.

It drove him to win the game by blowing away five of the opponents’ batsmen for 40 runs. It was indeed a worthy effort. He toppled the dangerous Quinton de Kock for 21, with the score at 32. The target of 221 kept getting smaller when he was brought back into the attack, instantly removing attacking left-handed batsman David Miller for 11. At 149/3, some sort of balance was achieved, however, South Africa still held the upper hand.

Read more at Newsday

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imusic 2023-04-04 16:07:40 

Out journalists are so simple minded at times.

If we are to follow this line of reasoning….all Powell has to do is repeat what he did in South Africa wirh Joseph and it will ensure the same result every time.

Ah well…..

armchair 2023-04-04 17:53:13 

In reply to imusic
Fair comment but there is much to be said for a leader's approach and how they inspire the team. Why is it this English test team in particular and white ball team earlier were so transformed, even if the core was much the same - certainly the pool wasn't different - but the messaging and approach have been.

Honestly it is not everything and maybe it is only 10% but leadership matters.

doosra 2023-04-04 17:57:26 

In reply to imusic

mek Rov the test cappo yuh seh? big grin

XDFIX 2023-04-04 18:55:56 

In reply to imusic

I wouldn't fault the journalist, as the context was the frame of reference!

sudden 2023-04-04 19:02:42 

In reply to doosra

It was not a Tit hence the fit big grin

Brerzerk 2023-04-04 19:34:41 

In reply to sudden

evil lol lol lol
Now ask if Sir Frank quipping to Rev. Wes, "Now remember if they win this you can't go back to Barbados" amounted to a hill of beans

Kay 2023-04-04 20:17:39 

He remarked that he felt comfortable when the skipper handed him the ball, as he had built in him the necessary confidence by telling him that it was up to him to win the match and he, the captain, had the faith in him to do the trick.

What i gather is that this is an indictment on his previous captains .....

Dukes 2023-04-04 21:27:49 

Those who have held leadership positions, understand what leadership is about.Not everybody is cut out for leadership and some people are natural born leaders and you can identify them immediately.

sudden 2023-04-04 21:59:53 

In reply to Dukes

No such thing as natural born leaders

Brerzerk 2023-04-04 22:39:58 

In reply to sudden
The best leaders are those with the 'natural' characteristic and personality of a leader plus
the additional value of training.
The Good leader is one with none of the training but the personality and character required for successful leadership.

The potentially better leader is one who neither has nor was aware of the requirements for good leadership but is open-minded and well trained.

Di Wuss leader is the trained but without the characteristics/personality but is rather unempathetic, arrogant and haughty. Sadly, our region has too many of those.

doosra 2023-04-04 23:17:00 

In reply to Brerzerk

The Good leader is one with none of the training but the personality and character required for successful leadership.

in one sentence you managed 5 things that need further clarity...

'successful' big grin big grin

Sylobaby 2023-04-04 23:28:22 

On the field of play good captaincy really matters. Someone says it contributes to 10% of team success but I would bring it up to 40%. I have always asked for Rovman Powell to become our white ball captain, though I liked the way Hope led in the ODIs. For the good of West Indies cricket I am also asking for a change of captaincy in red ball cricket. In the recent concluded West Indies championship we did not only see a feature star in Alick Arthanaze but we saw a young man who is a gifted leader and it was his leadership that brought windwards volcanoes one wicket short of being crowned champions over Guyana. Not only should Alick Athanaze be selected in the final eleven for our next test series but he should be made captain or definitely vice captain

tc1 2023-04-04 23:41:19 

In reply to doosra

And ODI too

Dukes 2023-04-04 23:49:37 

In reply to sudden

No such thing as natural born leaders

When you see children in the playground and they are all 6 and 7 years old and one of them is obviously in charge, some might say that kid is a natural born leader.I agree that there may be environmental and other influences but the term is used to describe people who demonstrate leadership at a very young age.

sudden 2023-04-04 23:54:34 

In reply to doosra

I am forever informing Dukes there is no such thing as natural born leaders.

Everything that we deem or refer to as leadership natural or cultivated is subjective and situational

sudden 2023-04-05 00:03:03 

In reply to Dukes

When you see children in the playground and they are all 6 and 7 years old and one of them is obviously in charge, some might say that kid is a natural born leader.I agree that there may be environmental and other influences but the term is used to describe people who demonstrate leadership at a very young age.

As per my above post.

In addition the bossy kid lording over a few kids who are not yet as mature as he or she does not natural born leadership make.

Brerzerk 2023-04-05 01:46:11 

In reply to doosra

lol lol lol
Good-achieves measurably successful results

Training- Formal and tested exposure to the mgt. functions such as Planning, delegating etc.
along with the human resource training to understand the support tools supervisees need for success.

Personality-Traits that create atmosphere of approachability, motivate, empathize, tension-free

Character- Moral compass, fairness, role-model.

Mi jus' mek up demdeh off the cuff. I think one can learn or become self-aware of all those but the last two are not always as easy to project when learned instead of natural

InHindsight 2023-04-05 12:53:21 

In reply to imusic

The journalist isn't being simple minded at. I think he was simply making the point that Alzarri seem to more comfortable with Powell's captaincy.

See beyond the tribalism nah

InHindsight 2023-04-05 12:54:23 

In reply to Dukes
I don't agree with the idea of natural born leaders