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Prattling cackling Kamala

InHindsight 2024-07-25 15:40:43 





InHindsight 2024-07-25 18:02:23 


BeatDball 2024-07-25 19:46:16 

In reply to InHindsight Dwl dwl dwl! My good man, you know they wouldn't touch this, but, scamper off! Dwl. big grin

sudden 2024-07-25 20:21:02 

I love a woman who laffs especially one who laffs from deep down in the belly

I have never heard De Precedence laff. I doubt he can.

Any person who doesn’t laff cannot be trusted

Keep laffing Kamala

BeatDball 2024-07-25 22:16:15 

In reply to InHindsight Dwl. I'm adding one more.

Halliwell 2024-07-25 22:27:13 

In reply to sudden

Does Melania ever smile? Poor man’s Victoria Beckham

InHindsight 2024-07-26 01:07:41 

In reply to BeatDball

Yeah I remember the school bus lol

InHindsight 2024-07-26 01:08:44 

In reply to sudden

Nov 6th somebody will laughing and the other won't

sudden 2024-07-26 01:12:35 

In reply to InHindsight

Like I said I have never seen or heard Trump laff.

InHindsight 2024-07-26 01:14:43 

In reply to sudden

I am trying to get the point big grin

sudden 2024-07-26 01:15:38 

In reply to InHindsight

Wait til Nov 6

InHindsight 2024-07-26 01:21:32 

In reply to BeatDball

In reply to BeatDball

My good man, you know they wouldn't touch this, but, scamper off! Dwl. big grin

Ik big grin

sudden 2024-07-26 01:25:49 

In reply to InHindsight

I love her laugh

Deep from the belly

Have you ever heard De Precedence laff?

tc1 2024-07-26 01:40:30 

In reply to Halliwell

She used to show his pokeylol

InHindsight 2024-07-26 01:41:55 

In reply to sudden

Have you ever heard De Precedence laff?

If you're referring to Biden then no I haven't

sudden 2024-07-26 01:47:01 

In reply to InHindsight

Well you don’t know what you are missing?

It is a great laff

From the belly

Like Kamala’s

Casper 2024-07-26 04:33:13 

Kamala looks like the happiest woman there could. I’d rather Kamala than some uptight woman.

She seems so self-assured, comfortable in her skin and ready to beat….. whatever.

Ready to put a buss on Trump, like nothing he has ever experienced - a total humiliation. Knowing of all the black women who have been gunning for him - Letitia James, Fani Willis - it was Kamala Harris that took him down and ready made to face his final appointment with the legal system he has been trying desperately to avoid.

BTW, do you know laughter is one of the best medicine, a great stress-reliever?

JayMor 2024-07-26 05:01:34 

In reply to Casper and Sudden

These effers believe that criticising Kamala's laugh will make a buffoon like Chump win in November. I cut them some slack though-- that is all they have!

These two appear to be classic candidates for “fragile masculinity hypothesis”, innit? lol big grin lol


InHindsight 2024-07-26 09:44:44 

In reply to JayMor

No no actually the laugh has been the butt of jokes for sometime now. Just a incompetent laugher. Let's see if the laugh of one from the heart win make the most unpopular VP and leftist candidate in history win the election..

She prattles and crackles

nick2020 2024-07-26 11:30:34 

In reply to InHindsight

I honestly do wonder why you the Trump supporter manage to look past all of his flaws but then find a magnifying glass to highlight other people's flaws.

Her laugh is a big negative to you but Trump's mouth is just merely peppery.

I am warming up to the idea that Trump is both Emperor Titus and The Gladiator and this generation is the perfect one for him to rise to political prominence the way he has. The factors being:

1. The information age becoming the influence age
2. Hardship

Trump is entertaining the way a jester is entertaining to a medieval court but in tough times we all want an escape. But a fool is not tasked to sit on the throne.

Well we bore witness to a remarkable decade of Reality TV where a con man tricked the most powerful nation into making him her leader. With help of course from outside influences and capitulation from inside. Maybe you love Reality TV. Post presidency we will get Keeping up with the Trumps.

As sudden says "Lord come for your world".

ray 2024-07-26 12:12:40 

Laugh away Kamala...just piss them off more......hahahahahbig grin

InHindsight 2024-07-26 12:56:36 

In reply to ray


Let's wait a few months and see

WI_cricfan 2024-07-26 13:02:38 

Is this thread about Kamala "de homewrecker" Harris?

sudden 2024-07-26 13:04:15 

In reply to InHindsight

You think she will stop laughing?

Have you ever heard or seen Trump laff, even smile?

Consider this bit from a Brit-

Plus, we like a laugh. And while Trump may be laughable, he has never once said anything wry, witty or even faintly amusing – not once, ever. I don’t say that rhetorically, I mean it quite literally: not once, not ever. And that fact is particularly disturbing to the British sensibility – for us, to lack humour is almost inhuman. But with Trump, it’s a fact. He doesn’t even seem to understand what a joke is – his idea of a joke is a crass comment, an illiterate insult, a casual act of cruelty.

ray 2024-07-26 13:12:34 

In reply to WI_cricfan's about pussy grabbing and rape and a convicted felonbig grin

InHindsight 2024-07-26 13:13:56 

In reply to WI_cricfan

I've heard the rumours. Yeah that in addition to her being definitely far far left. Let's see if the lame stream media was successful in radicalized the major of America.

InHindsight 2024-07-26 13:14:58 

Trying to buy future votes for the left with the open border debacle

InHindsight 2024-07-26 15:50:19 

In reply to nick2020

Let me elucidate you.

First of all those on yhe left themselves have major flaws. If you ask me Joe Biden is a plagerist and lies as most politicians do. He got booted from early runs for presidency shamefully, the latter.

But isn't nor the personal life of politicians that entices me. Infact most are repugnant. If it was for those parameters Barack Obama would have been one of the greatest presidents who ever lived.

Quite simply my politicial persuasions are based mainly on ideology. In short I am traditional conservative right leaning in that aspect.

Hope this answers your question

JayMor 2024-07-26 16:35:04 

Pretending not to see the new thread, of course, of course.

In reply to InHindsight

She prattles and crackles
Fairly soon you'll realise, in hindsight (so me ketch it, so me sell it), that "prattles and crackles" were all you had. Keep dwelling there; keep prattling.

Re "the most unpopular VP [...] in history", you deplorables just mindlessly bandy words about, regardless of whether true or not-- just so long as you're denigrating an opponent. The orange orangutan has taught you well. Here's something way more reasoned than you're capable of (it appears):

The Los Angeles Times conducted a Presidential Greatness Project survey of scholars, asking the experts to evaluate vice presidents as well as presidents. The resulting rankings spanned from John Nance “Cactus Jack” Garner, Franklin D. Roosevelt’s first vice president, to Kamala Harris. Al Gore topped the list as the greatest modern vice president, followed closely by Joe Biden — who also recently entered the presidential rankings in the top third. Lyndon B. Johnson (Kennedy), George H.W. Bush (Reagan) and Walter Mondale (Carter) filled out the rest of the top five. Nixon veep Spiro Agnew — who resigned from office following a bribery scandal — ranked last, with Dan Quayle (George H.W. Bush), Henry Wallace (FDR), Garner and Alben Barkley (Truman) rounding out the bottom five. Harris and Mike Pence — who served under the last-ranked president, Trump — both came in the bottom half of vice presidents, at Nos. 11 and 13 out of 18, respectively. The low rankings of the current vice president and her predecessor reflect the experts’ view that they weren’t particularly active partners in their administrations.

Despite it not being flattering to Lady Kamala, I have no issues with the report. After being chosen by Joe Biden, the Repugs pigeon-holed her --something they did effectively with Mrs Clinton too-- and I'm sure it was official policy within the White House for her not to be too up-front and visible. But look at what pertains now. LOL.

Noteworthy in the report are the placements in general of Democratic veeps vs those of the Repugs. And I know it's generally the same for Democratic presidents vs Repug ones, in modern times,

BTW, the LA times report referenced is here, but behind a pay wall. (I normally can defeat most such but this one is trickier, plus I'm on the road and only using a Chromebook).


sudden 2024-07-26 16:36:28 

In reply to InHindsight

In short I am traditional conservative right leaning

What does that mean in real terms?

InHindsight 2024-07-26 17:02:01 

In reply to sudden

This surely isn't a serious question.

It's like telling me what right do you have to hold an opinion. Smh

sudden 2024-07-26 17:06:50 

In reply to InHindsight

Surely you can explain your political philosophy beyond the word salad above

I don’t know what to make of that in real terms

InHindsight 2024-07-26 17:10:02 

In reply to sudden

You call it a word salad so why do you want me to explain. I would if you were engaging. But is the disrespect.

Like I eluded on another thread, all who support Trump must be lunatics.

Supporters of the left are right thinking. Punt not intended

sudden 2024-07-26 17:11:41 

In reply to InHindsight

Just explain

Like you looking for an excuse

Your call, mate

InHindsight 2024-07-26 17:14:28 

In reply to sudden

Bro I am not going to answer a silly question. You're asking what does it be conservative?

Maybe you can tell me why you hold your position and we can cordially trade arguments

sudden 2024-07-26 17:16:46 

In reply to InHindsight

Are you are aware that there are many types of conservatives

Or that being conservative in the US is opposite of being conservative in Europe?

InHindsight 2024-07-26 17:19:00 

In reply to sudden

You're trying to skirt the issue. I am fully aware of all the nuances of what it means to be conservative

sudden 2024-07-26 17:20:50 

In reply to InHindsight

If you are aware why engage in nonsense

Why not explain what type you are and your political philosophy

ray 2024-07-26 17:23:41 

Are Maga conservatives or just cultists...and will they cease to be Maga after Trump goes away?

InHindsight 2024-07-26 17:28:00 

In reply to sudden

What is nonsense? Explain

InHindsight 2024-07-26 17:29:10 

In reply to sudden

Considering I am outnumbered. You go first then I'll oblige

sudden 2024-07-26 17:30:26 

In reply to InHindsight

I am conservative

InHindsight 2024-07-26 17:32:06 

In reply to ray

Are Maga conservatives or just cultists...and will they cease to be Maga after Trump goes away?

Typical! Buying into the falsehoods of the mainstream media

InHindsight 2024-07-26 17:34:20 

In reply to sudden

I am conservative

What are you telling me?

sudden 2024-07-26 17:35:44 

In reply to InHindsight

That I am conservative

InHindsight 2024-07-26 17:38:18 

In reply to sudden

Tell me more. Expound/enlighten me

ray 2024-07-26 18:04:36 

In reply to InHindsight

Don't need mainstream media when you see them daily at Trump rallies...or driving around with 6 trump flags...definitely cultists
Remember Trump said that he can shoot someone in the middle of 5th Ave, and the cultists will still love him
SHucks, he is a felon, and the cultists sent him money after his conviction

He admitted to grabbing pussies, jeered the disabled, and the cultists can't get enough of him

ray 2024-07-26 18:06:03 

Said Americans who died in wars are losers..called McCain a loser...and the cultists cheered him on

ray 2024-07-26 18:07:38 

Even Vance became a cultist after comparing Trump to Hitler

sudden 2024-07-26 18:13:10 

In reply to InHindsight

I am sure you are familiar with the term irony big grin

InHindsight 2024-07-26 18:18:11 

In reply to ray

He admitted to grabbing pussies, jeered the disabled, and the cultists can't get enough of him

Inbox me the clip where he admitted.

I've seen Trump disavow to many assertions regarding his position continuously and both the media and the left wing politicians falsely make the claims

In my home country there is a former prime minister itvis believed may have molested underage young ladies. Now both side revere him as the 'father of the nation'. I absolutely DO NOT condone this reprehensible behavior. In fact was caught, should be jailed.

Nevertheless under his watch the country made significant strides in socio-economic development

The cult label is a complete fabrication of the left. As I said I don't care for political slogans but, MAGA does not meet the definition of a cult.

InHindsight 2024-07-26 18:22:30 

Anyone who has the simplest understanding of marketing will understand the critical role slogans play even in politics. Observe your own local politics

InHindsight 2024-07-26 18:24:56 

In reply to sudden

You appear to be the most civil. Let's talk.

I am sure you are familiar with the term irony
big grin

What are you saying

ray 2024-07-26 18:26:17 

In reply to InHindsight

I have heard people on the right call them cultists

InHindsight 2024-07-26 18:30:02 

In reply to ray

Both sides have extremist. But they are in the minority.

There are those on the right I don't want to associated with anyway. Just as there are radical left. Kamala makes Biden look like a moderate though he is not.

InHindsight 2024-07-26 18:31:18 

In reply to ray

A crazy few compare Trump to Jesus Christ - I don't know your religion. Sorry.

sudden 2024-07-26 18:31:24 

In reply to InHindsight

You accuse me wrongfully re being civil

Since I don’t think you understand the term irony I will explain

You said you are conservative etc

I asked you to expound and you went off into a bit of tirade intimating that being conservative needs no explanation

I then say I am conservative and you are asking me to explain

Do you see the irony

InHindsight 2024-07-26 18:41:30 

In reply to sudden

Ok so I don't understand what is irony. You care to explain what iron is but you wouldn't enlighten me on the various 'types' of conservatism.

I have made it clear throughout this MB what my position is on Donald Trump and my views as far I have a conservative ideology

It was you who insinuated i don't understand what this means. Further, I told you that since I am outnumbered here, you tske the lead and I'll follow.

I said I am conservative you question my understanding of what it means to be conservative.

Do you believe I am conservative? Am I a lunatic to support Trump or cultists? Jus askin

sudden 2024-07-26 18:47:20 

In reply to InHindsight

In short I am traditional conservative right leaning

Hence why I asked you to explain what you mean by the above

Cos lots of conservatives traditional or otherwise do not support Trump

InHindsight 2024-07-26 18:54:01 

In reply to sudden

You are entirely correct in saying that not all conservatives support Trump. Yhe same can be said of the other side.

I explained why I support him. I also said that I don't care for his personal life. The small minority who don't support him is because his verbosity. I particularly don't like much of it. But not all that is said of him is true. In fact so much are downright lies. I have seen for myself. That is ok. Because it is all political theater. What's disheartening is the hate (on both sides) and the 'demonzing' of those who support him. 'Cultists' come to mind

hubert 2024-07-26 18:54:05 

In reply to sudden

Did not expect you to join this conversation ...but I guess you have time on your hands
among other things lol

ray 2024-07-26 19:04:17 

In reply to InHindsight

So, these are downright lies?
Did he not encourage people to storm capital?
Does he not still insist 2020 election was not free and fair, despite being proven otherwise?
How long did he continue to insist Obama was not born in the US?

InHindsight 2024-07-26 19:07:39 

In reply to ray

As far as you are concerned all you hear from the left and the media is fact.

Moving along

sudden 2024-07-26 19:09:58 

In reply to InHindsight

In short I am traditional conservative right leaning

You still haven’t explain what you mean by this

sudden 2024-07-26 19:12:14 

In reply to hubert

Lots of time and a bit of patience

I like to understand these guys beyond the one sentence they type

At times tho I understand why they only have one sentence

Like my teacher once cautioned- beware the man of one book

InHindsight 2024-07-26 19:14:30 

In reply to sudden

You said:

You still haven’t explain what you mean by this

I said:

Considering I am outnumbered. You go first then I'll oblige

You're ignoring this and so much more I said

nick2020 2024-07-26 19:27:46 

In reply to InHindsight

First of all those on yhe left themselves have major flaws.

Trump flaws would be ?

ray 2024-07-26 19:32:43 

In reply to InHindsight

Guess all you hear from Fox is right

nick2020 2024-07-26 19:37:25 

In reply to InHindsight

In short I am traditional conservative right leaning

This is a nutshell is where you are getting suckered.

This has little to do with ideology and much to do with candidates. Trump is not a conservative. Trump is a con artist.

And everything wrong with how we elect officials is we vote for whoever is in our party.

The GOP is supposed to be the party of Regan.

1980 US Elections

Reagan campaigned for increased defense spending, supply-side economic policies, and a balanced budget. His campaign was aided by Democratic dissatisfaction with Carter, the Iran hostage crisis, and a worsening economy marred by stagflation. Carter attacked Reagan as a dangerous right-wing extremist, and warned that Reagan would cut Medicare and Social Security. The Carter campaign was aided early on by the rally 'round the flag effect from the hostage crisis, but as the crisis lasted to election day, it became a detriment.[2]

Supply-side economics is a macroeconomic theory postulating that economic growth can be most effectively fostered by lowering taxes, decreasing regulation, and allowing free trade.[1][2]

Here is Mike Johnson on what conservatism is to him

Individual Freedom certainly sounds like a joke given what the GOP wants to do now.

Anyway we will just have to save you from yourself. Trump is not a conservative; he is an opportunist.

InHindsight 2024-07-26 19:43:59 

In reply to ray

My politicial ideology are not shaped by the news media. But to answer your question, no.

InHindsight 2024-07-26 19:48:13 

In reply to nick2020

I respect your opinions.

Brerzerk 2024-07-26 20:03:26 

In reply to sudden

This convo reminds me of two slightly left of center Irish-Catholic journalists who embarrassed two persons who spouted MAGA BS before there was MAGA

a. Chris Mathews to a far right-wing talk-show clown 'You are accusing him of being an Appeaser/Quisling what does Appeasement mean?'
No Answer

b. Tim Russert to a former Governor of Mississippi- 'Sir you are against raising the minimum wage, what is the minimum wage for your state?'
Some ppl. just love authoritarians and their cruelty because they figure it will never impact them that is all. Like a child who gleefully bludgeons a helpless lizard.

InHindsight 2024-07-26 20:05:56 

In reply to sudden

You are conservative. Do you support far left Kamala?

nick2020 2024-07-26 20:26:52 

In reply to InHindsight

I respect your opinions.

What opinion? It is not my opinion Trump is a con artist; that is a fact. And you need to not take that as an attack on any of your values.


And politics has become this sporting event where you support everyone on your team no matter how dirty the player is.

You know what is the really laughable part of Trump and his snake oil salesman pitch? He does not even try very hard to deceive you. Given how many Bible questions he has been asked you would believe he would at least open the book and attempt to prepare himself for the next question. At least learn John 3:16.

Do you believe Trump is a Christian? Do you believe he has any knowledge or appreciation for the Bible? A man who dodged the question of what is his favourite verse? I can totally get how the most vulnerable get duped but you? You aren't paranoid that minorities are taking over and you will lose your white privilege. Hinds look at the room. Look at the people around you. You do not belong there.

Brerzerk 2024-07-26 20:33:19 

In reply to nick2020

he does have appreciation for the bible, do not forget that he knows The Two Lukes.

Brerzerk 2024-07-26 20:34:30 

In reply to InHindsight

Site for us 3 of Kamala's policies that are far-left...............

sudden 2024-07-26 20:37:41 

In reply to InHindsight

Of course, i am conservative. It depends on the definition of conservative and whether you are referring to US or European Conservative.

I have not supported a GOP presidential candidate since Bob Dole. and I liked Dole because he was a great conversationalist and was witty.

Never liked Reagan. During Reagan’s first term was the first time that investments from stocks and bonds etc outpaced earnings from employment

And that was the end of the American middle class right there. And deficits didn’t matter after that either. In addition it is now believed Reagan had Alzheimer’s 2 years into his first term

Nixon, notwithstanding that he was a crook, was the last true liberal president.

The US has moved so far right that Dems are mostly conversative light. And conservatives are raving lunatics.

Another thing, if conversatism means remaining the same, they are fighting a losing battle. The only constant is change.

Do you actually believe politicians can legislate anyone from becoming gay or transgender?

Do you think that suppressing votes is the way to win elections? Is that freedom?

Any party that makes it punishable to give water to people standing for hours in line to vote when they deliberately closed polling stations in certain neighborhoods, deserves to die away.

And I could go and on

hubert 2024-07-26 20:53:58 

In reply to sudden

'one book' . That resounds..I understand lol

InHindsight 2024-07-26 21:03:46 

In reply to sudden

I didn't ask if you were conservative. You said so. I asked, do you support far left Kamala?

sudden 2024-07-26 21:05:43 

In reply to InHindsight

Of course

Anybody but Trump

InHindsight 2024-07-26 21:06:26 

In reply to sudden

During the Reagan years I was a kid. Neither have I always supported the GOP. They've become too extreme for me. The current bunch make Obama look conservative

I supported Obama not Hilary

InHindsight 2024-07-26 21:10:03 

In reply to sudden

Anybody but Trump

I have no issue with that. I think it reasonable. But if I support him because he proffers my ideals why am I demonized?

Wouldn't you agree that the media is complicit in the anarchy and gulf created in US society?

Many here are their lackeys

sudden 2024-07-26 21:14:25 

In reply to InHindsight

But if I support him because he proffers my ideals why am I demonized?

Explain that please

sudden 2024-07-26 21:16:28 

In reply to InHindsight

Wouldn't you agree that the media is complicit in the anarchy and gulf created in US society?

If you mean Fox, infowars etc i wholeheartedly agree

InHindsight 2024-07-26 21:18:59 

In reply to sudden

People you support Trump and thus the GOP are hated and vilified, myself included. We are being referred to by all kinds of disparaging names.

Do they mean that we cannot support for rational logical reasons? Most conservatives are please loving family oriented people. There are exceptions on both side of course.

InHindsight 2024-07-26 21:20:55 

In reply to sudden

There you go again. It is not for me to defend Fox though I don't agree. The should be said about ABC, NBC, CBS and most of all CNN

The print media are just and culpable

We determine our values by what the left and right media purport. This is a business. For reasons of the bottomline they chose sides.

Will CNN ever speak negatively of the left? And so Fox..

In debating it it 'dangerous' to concede as I have in this discussion. But I am being conciliatory.

Why are we allowing ourselves to be duped by media?

I hope you're getting the big picture

sudden 2024-07-26 21:32:26 

In reply to InHindsight

No I don’t agree. I think if you present your case people will listen and give you a hearing

Trump is a nasty, vile person and ignorant to boot. He is devoid of wit or reason.

I can see no plausible reason to support such a character

He is full of hate and has reasoned that if he divides US further that the GOP candidates before him have, he is assured of a basic amount of reliable votes.

He is quite correct and that is the basis of all politics. But to actually win you must either suppress the votes on the other side by actually depriving those who will vote from doing so and somehow getting those who would vote for the other side from wanting to do so by lying or winning them over by offering programs that would attract their votes.

Trump and the larger GOP rarely try the latter. They are all in on voter suppression, lies about the great replacement of whites and fear about migrants taking black jobs. It is all about fear

Just think about this, a white population that stole the land of native Americans and replaced them are now griping about the great replacement and blacks are falling for such nonsense.

But if you can make a reasonable case for supporting him then I will listen

JOJO 2024-07-26 21:36:23 

In reply to InHindsight

Inbox me the clip where he admitted

Are you serious?

sudden 2024-07-26 21:38:12 

In reply to InHindsight

I think cnn etc are way better than Fox and other conservative networks

At least they try to present the news

Fox outright lies

Trump lies

Imagine a sitting President convincing people that an opponent stole an election from him?

Remember I remarked about the man of one book?

Try getting your info from as much sources as possible and from as much trusted sources as you can

And one must have a basic tolerance level for lies and bullshit

InHindsight 2024-07-26 21:46:34 

In reply to sudden

You don't agree fine. But the hate for supporters of the left is ridiculous.
Trump is nasty yiu say but he gets support from decent peace-loving conservatives.

You never answered by question on Kamala. That's telling.

Interesting more blacks are moving to the right than vice versa.

We can go into the history of the abolition of slavery and you will learn that it came from the right.

More and more blacks in America are being marginalized because they make up, probably by now the smallest ethnic voting block. Do you know how yhe systematic depopulation of blacks were achieved and by whom?

InHindsight 2024-07-26 21:49:58 

In reply to sudden

Bruh you turn our discourse into argument about CNN and Fox. No wonder the venom. You buy into the rhetoric and propaganda. Anyway let's agree to disagree on this one. No hard feelings

I have come so far center to accommodate you but I sense the hate

InHindsight 2024-07-26 21:51:57 

In reply to sudden

How do you determine a trusted source? Smh

InHindsight 2024-07-26 21:52:43 

In reply to JOJO

I am. Can you?

sudden 2024-07-26 21:53:14 

In reply to InHindsight

I did answer your question Commala

Of course I support her

Like I said anybody but Trump

So the abolition of slavery was delivered by the right?

I am sure you mean the Republican Party under Lincoln and not the right as in conservatives?

Otherwise I will be forced to expose your ignorance

Tell me how the systematic depopulation of blacks was achieved?

Remember he who asserts must prove

InHindsight 2024-07-26 21:55:11 

In reply to sudden

I did answer your question Commala

Of course I support her

Well don't come with this, "I am conservative jibberish". You are not!!!

sudden 2024-07-26 21:56:24 

In reply to InHindsight

Turn a discussion into an argument between Fox and CNN?

Mate you asked my opinion and I gave it.

Up to you to rebut

It feels as tho you are searching. How old are you anyway?

And if you don’t know what a trusted source is, I cant help you

sudden 2024-07-26 21:57:13 

In reply to InHindsight

Is George Conway a conservative ?

What about former Georgia Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan (R)?

InHindsight 2024-07-26 21:58:53 

In reply to sudden

We in a rumshop. I sense you getting angry.

I do hope we can show sobriety on other things we agree on. Lol

I definitely ain't taking all this personally big grin

But let's continue. I am enjoying this.

InHindsight 2024-07-26 21:59:54 

In reply to sudden

Is George Conway a conservative

What are you going with this?

sudden 2024-07-26 22:01:26 

In reply to InHindsight

Take my advice, read more and far and wide

Tell me about the right wing party that ended slavery

sudden 2024-07-26 22:04:52 

In reply to InHindsight

Listen, are you following you own questions?

When I said I support Commala you posted-

Well don't come with this, "I am conservative jibberish". You are not!!!

I am asking you whether George Conway or Jeff Duncan are conservative?

Do follow your questions or assertions

InHindsight 2024-07-26 22:05:00 

In reply to sudden

Why on earth would you believe I am not well read? Because I don't see things as you do? In fact I see you as showing more sense thsn many leftist on this MB.

Bruh I have not scratched the surface in terms of my understanding of the subject matter.

I don't mean to sound arrogant.

sudden 2024-07-26 22:06:17 

In reply to InHindsight

Well then tell me about the right wing party that ended slavery?

InHindsight 2024-07-26 22:06:52 

In reply to sudden

Get to the point. I am not on a witness stand. What is the relevance?

InHindsight 2024-07-26 22:07:51 

In reply to sudden

Well then tell me about the right wing party that ended slavery?

I thought you'd guess

BTW do you know the racist history of abortions?

sudden 2024-07-26 22:08:57 

In reply to InHindsight

We can go into the history of the abolition of slavery and you will learn that it came from the right.

I want you to explain it.

Be at your most arrogant

InHindsight 2024-07-26 22:11:39 

In reply to sudden

Be at your most arrogant

How so?

Excuse bruh for a few hours. Hope we can banter later

conman 2024-07-26 22:14:08 

In reply to InHindsight

Don't banter, answer sudden

JOJO 2024-07-26 22:31:27 

In reply to InHindsight

Why on earth would you believe I am not well read?

Perhaps your posts on this MB?

Examples just from one post:

We can go into the history of the abolition of slavery and you will learn that it came from the right.


More and more blacks in America are being marginalized because they make up, probably by now the smallest ethnic voting block. Do you know how yhe systematic depopulation of blacks were achieved and by whom?

nick2020 2024-07-26 23:33:56 

In reply to InHindsight

Trump is nasty yiu say but he gets support from decent peace-loving conservatives.

He says? Trump is not nasty?

As far as you are concerned all you hear from the left and the media is fact.

No it is not. But you are denying Trump scammed people with his University and his charity. There are things Trump is guilty of that the only way anyone can refute is by refusing to see the facts.

You have two choices in life - listen to the things you want to hear or explore to find the truth.

Google Trump Charity Ruling.
You will see many search results including AG website.
Read as many of them as you can. Here is with a link to the document where Trump's Lawyers admit to his wrongdoing.

And you really are saying you are persecuted by being a conservative / Trump supporter? Trump RUINED the lives of those Georgia poll workers.

Anyway I think I am going to tap out of this thread. Trump is a horrible, immoral and unintelligent individual.

nick2020 2024-07-26 23:36:50 

In reply to InHindsight

Trump’s lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, falsely claimed that video footage showed the women engaging in “surreptitious illegal activity” and acting suspiciously, like drug dealers “passing out dope.” In early January, Trump himself singled out Freeman, by name, 18 times in a now-famous call in which he pressed Georgia officials to alter the state’s results. He called the 62-year-old temp worker a “professional vote scammer,” a “hustler” and a “known political operative” who “stuffed the ballot boxes.”

Freeman made a series of 911 emergency calls in the days after she was publicly identified in early December by the president’s camp. In a Dec. 4 call, she told the dispatcher she’d gotten a flood of “threats and phone calls and racial slurs,” adding: “It’s scary because they’re saying stuff like, ‘We’re coming to get you. We are coming to get you.’”


Horrible individual.

InHindsight 2024-07-26 23:38:20 

In reply to conman

Are you delusional?

Thrn tell me after how vile Trump is.

BTW I ain't his defendant

InHindsight 2024-07-26 23:44:22 

In reply to conman

You heard about Trump Derangement Syndrome TDS?

Somma you guys have it worse than others

InHindsight 2024-07-27 02:27:42 

One example of the lying mainstream media

And the white house

googley 2024-07-27 03:29:54 

In reply to InHindsight

Speaking of lying, here is your golf "champion "

InHindsight 2024-07-27 12:06:38 

Why i don't support the left:

This is what the 'European Conservatives' some call it, purport - contradicting values of inclusivity. Abominable!

At the opening ceremony of the Olympics Games we saw a complete mockery being made of the christian faith's Last Supper with a bunch of trans folk with a child included in the scene. I dare them to pull the same stunt with Islam.

sudden 2024-07-27 12:31:58 

In reply to InHindsight

Can you find it within yourself to explain these statements

We can go into the history of the abolition of slavery and you will learn that it came from the right.

More and more blacks in America are being marginalized because they make up, probably by now the smallest ethnic voting block. Do you know how yhe systematic depopulation of blacks were achieved and by whom?

InHindsight 2024-07-27 13:11:49 

In reply to sudden

In the course of this political debate I observe that you have a penchant to ask those you oppose(not me alone), to explain the most basic of statements. I am sure you've done your research and verified the veracity of my claims. We can take it from there.

Being it's Saturday my morning isn't as languid as yesterday post lunch.

Just as I've been saying from since we started, get straight to the point. Don't obfuscate.

JOJO 2024-07-27 13:26:37 

In reply to InHindsight

christian faith's Last Supper with a bunch of trans folk with a child included in the scene.

It’s a painting. It’s a painting from the 15th century.

sudden 2024-07-27 13:26:38 

In reply to InHindsight


Since yesterday I have been asking you to explain/support your claims with some proof.

After all he who asserts must prove

Well ok

It is either you can’t or you are afraid to so do

googley 2024-07-27 14:42:01 

Speaking of laughing

InHindsight 2024-07-27 14:51:08 

In reply to sudden

Since yesterday I have been asking you to explain/support your claims with some proof

Exactly! I outline my position and all you do is to ask me to explain simple matters. You don't address the points raised. What are you really getting to?

JayMor 2024-07-27 14:59:36 

In reply to InHindsight

Still prattling, man? What nerve to mention Chump derangement syndrome about anyone when KDS is killing you!


sudden 2024-07-27 15:00:40 

In reply to InHindsight

I am merely trying to get you to explain your claims

Either you can do so or you can’t

There is no shame in that

Drapsey 2024-07-27 21:25:18 

FoxNews has found the reason you shouldn't vote for a Kamala Harris presidency.

Ex-Kamala Harris spox hints at bad experience working with VP: 'You might be the last woman I work for'

Someone made a prediction that the hunt would be on to find someone of color who has a negative view of Kamala. I'm not sure on which thread that was posted.

InHindsight 2024-07-27 22:43:15 

In reply to sudden


granite 2024-07-27 23:19:32 

In reply to nick2020

Blurdclert this was a clean KO,not a points win perfection

BeatDball 2024-07-28 00:30:46

Fantom 2024-07-28 00:35:14 

This could be the thread of the year!big grin

Walco 2024-07-28 12:27:04 

In reply to sudden

Trump Laughing at Someone Calling Hillary a Dog

Trump laughs after audience member suggests shooting migrants

There you go my friend. Trump does indeed laugh smile

JayMor 2024-07-28 15:19:21 

In reply to Fantom

I'd say! With Sudden just humouring someone, innit? lol


Fantom 2024-07-28 23:29:40 

In reply to JayMor

In fairness to Hindsight, he probably started this as a troll. But, can he out-troll sudden?

BTW, why does Kamala laugh so much? She laughing at criminal45, a weird guy AKA don-OOOLDbig grinbig grinbig grin

ray 2024-07-28 23:33:44 

Trump cultist on full display

InHindsight 2024-07-29 00:35:48 

'Trump so-called 'cultists' giving many cerebral aneurysm

Say you're conservative and they hear Trump Trump Trump. 45 you something eh.

JayMor 2024-07-29 02:28:18 

I know three conservatives well enough to banter with, or maybe I should say three Republicans. Two fall into the anyone-but-Chump camp and will be voting Democratic. The third one is trending MAGA, but we're working on him. A person who cannot come out and call out the dotard for all his wrongs is a closet supporter. A so me see't.


InHindsight 2024-07-30 01:34:55 


JOJO 2024-07-30 01:53:53 

In reply to InHindsight

That’s what happens when you choose to live in the echo chamber of conservative media. You eschew all facts and do not use basic common sense. Here are some figures on viewership. You claim to be good at research. Go check the Nielsen figures for yourself (this is very basic, high school level research).

After drawing 28.6 million viewers for Friday’s opening ceremony, the weekend telecasts got even bigger: Saturday’s total audience was 32.4 million, and on Sunday — which featured the first day of competition for Simone Biles and the U.S. women’s gymnastics team — 41.5 million people tuned in, according to custom fast national ratings from Nielsen (for linear broadcasts) and Adobe Analytics (for streaming and digital).

granite 2024-07-30 09:00:19 

Most of you who see it fit to laugh at a woman, who most likely, could be the president of the most powerful country in the world are as asinine just like the man you are supporting.How stupid of the one who started the post about Kamala Harris's laugh,maybe he thought it's a great point which will go against her in the Presidential election,and so to his laughing followers like a bunch of laughing jackals.

InHindsight 2024-07-30 09:35:08 

In reply to granite

I thought to ignore your post but instead chose to expose your and others' duplicity.

Do you see any where the starter of this thread laughs at Kamala?

Because she is a woman (now we using pronouns rolleyes ) she is immune to the crossfires in political theater?

Don't those on the same side as your own not only laugh but spread propaganda, hate and are conspiratorial, wishing the death of her opponent?

InHindsight 2024-07-30 12:02:31 

Why is the Palestinian flag recognized by IOC but not Taiwan's?

InHindsight 2024-07-30 15:44:35 

A newspaper title from the Daily Beast dated July 29, 2024 reads,

Olympic 'Last Supper' Star Threaten to Sue Her Right-Wing Haters.

Excerpt: Defamation
"Barbara Butch condemns this vile hatred directed at her, what she represents, and what she stands for, " the performer at the center of the controversial ceremonies said....

Story by Michael Boyle

Drapsey 2024-07-30 19:10:38 

In reply to InHindsight

I see you have 'friends' in high places.

Trump’s campaign works to convince voters that Harris is ‘crazy’ because of her laugh

Vice President Kamala Harris has been criticized for her race, gender, parental status — and most recently, her laugh.

With conservatives designating her laugh as “crazy,” “nuts” and a “cackle” in recent weeks, the language used to describe it is loaded and steeped in sexism, experts are saying.

I always thought that a smile outdoes a frown, a legacy of my upbringing. Maybe I was brain-washed. smile

InHindsight 2024-08-01 03:23:19 

You are right Megan

Fantom 2024-08-01 13:30:49 

In reply to InHindsight

Is Kamala Black or Indian? rolleyes

InHindsight 2024-08-01 14:09:10 

Here's my answer. Watch the full video

As a politician Kamala should be immune from all criticism otherwise Trump is misogynistic.

The lying mainstream media


sudden 2024-08-01 14:19:00 

In reply to InHindsight

YouTube is how you get your news?

InHindsight 2024-08-01 14:36:44 

In reply to sudden

I thought your discourse was cerebral but I was wrong.

YouTube is how you get your news?

This is lame.

sudden 2024-08-01 14:41:04 

In reply to InHindsight

Ok let me rephrase

Do you get your news from YouTube?

InHindsight 2024-08-01 14:47:27 

In reply to sudden

Are you a troll? I'm not

sudden 2024-08-01 14:53:09 

In reply to InHindsight

I note that almost all your references or support for your statements is YouTube

However I like to ask questions rather than assume

You appear to be afraid to answer questions?

InHindsight 2024-08-01 15:06:17 

In reply to sudden

It is not as you say. But what the problem if it was? Is that the purview of you and friends only? You Tube is a medium as all other platforms.The bigger issue is to discredit what I post. In a rational and fair way.

sudden 2024-08-01 15:23:44 

In reply to InHindsight

Not to discredit you but to caution that the YouTube you post are often commentary on topical political issues.

And commentary is some one’s opinion not news and often someone who or something with which you agree

InHindsight 2024-08-01 15:46:05 

In reply to sudden

The standards of journalism have changed greatly, and not for the better. Media corporations not just csocial media, are partisan and lean either right or left. And on the point you raised the most disheartening thing is the level of commentary and biase in the middle of news reports.

The individual is left to decipher what he/she hears and be willing to view both sides. Make your Judgments on the facts and your personal values

sudden 2024-08-01 16:00:32 

In reply to InHindsight

To a certain extent I agree

So why are you posting YouTube clip of people giving their views on topical political issues?

These clips of may show a bit of the issue then the commentator launches into a series of claims that may or may not touch the issue at hand

And if they do, they are often misinterpreted or lump together with other issues that have little or no bearing on the original topic

Wouldn’t it be better to quote a conservative writer who looks at both sides and then come to some conclusion. You may want to say, as you have, that these writers too are biased. Perhaps, but at least they juxtapose all the views for the reader to consider

InHindsight 2024-08-01 16:08:35 

In reply to sudden

The newest jargon escapes me 'fake cheats'?

That aside and AI as well. Apart from the commentary, video recording of events is what we have of the candidates. We sort through it all

InHindsight 2024-08-02 10:35:00 

That is my point Piers


Cheeks 2024-08-02 11:36:56 

In reply to InHindsight can be conservative all you want. But Trump's behaviour is more anti-conservative than any president in recent memory. The fact that supposedly Christian people align themselves behind that character just makes it clear that its not 'conservatism'...its something else. You need to decide whether you want to align yourself with whatever that is. I have my own view of what it is.

InHindsight 2024-08-02 11:46:29 

In reply to Cheeks

Why all the hate. for my God given right to hold my socially acceptable position. I am not trying to impose it on you. But it irks you

sudden 2024-08-02 12:49:07 

In reply to InHindsight

Why is it that every time someone opposes what you say, calls you out about what you post or asks you to explain a claim you make, more than often you respond with, “why all the hate”?

doosra 2024-08-02 13:18:13 

In reply to sudden

he ran from the other thread when confronted

that's his MO

now he gaan with XY chromosome

sounds like a man on a mission to take everything down

InHindsight 2024-08-02 13:49:30 

In reply to sudden

Because there hate.

The responses is almost aways venomous, illogical and denigrating.

I will admit though, that your tactics as different. I havevtold you so in different words

Drapsey 2024-08-02 13:55:20 

Talk about being previous.

Kamala Harris accidentally calls herself ‘the president’ during late Dem Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee’s eulogy

And FoxNews just couldn't let that pass.


InHindsight 2024-08-02 14:07:16 

In reply to Drapsey

Yup. I call it political theater. The left wouldn't either

Cheeks 2024-08-02 16:45:22 

In reply to InHindsight

Why all the hate. for my God given right to hold my socially acceptable position. I am not trying to impose it on you. But it irks you

Hate?? Huh???'re having a hard time with the truth...that is my read of the situation. You KNOW that Trump's behavior is at odds with true conservative values, but you HOPE his policy decisions will be opposed to his personal behavior. Good luck with that.

People have really tough times generally with shifting their political you're not alone. I think its something to with the constant search for vindication...even in the face of irrefutable evidence to the contrary.

InHindsight 2024-08-02 17:37:04 

In reply to Cheeks're having a hard time with the truth

There is no so-called truth, any on your side of the argument, that I have a hard time with.

Don't lecture me on Trump's behaviour when you can't accept the dishonesty and depravity of the left.

The left obfuscate, spin and deny what is simple, plain and before our very eyes.

I don't care as much for the duplicity of your candidates. One replaced the other through a coup so to speak, because he couldn't win. They thought they could hoodwinked the masses.

Have you heard the phrase, "the more they indict the more we unite"

Despite the all the mud slinging and with the entire machinery of the mainstream media sensible and brilliant Americans do not buy in to their schemes. That should say something

sudden 2024-08-02 17:41:08 

In reply to InHindsight

The left obfuscate, spin and deny what is simple, plain and before our very eyes.

Give an example

And please don’t say that my asking is hatred

InHindsight 2024-08-02 18:18:21 

In reply to sudden

I'd love to hear your take on the debate re the xy chromosomes

I can't be any 'simpler' ((to borrow from the generic word of my friend on the other thread)

All you seem to do is ask me to explain further lol

And please don’t say that my asking is hatred

I told you you used different tactics


Cheeks 2024-08-02 18:31:38 

In reply to InHindsight

Don't lecture me on Trump's behaviour when you can't accept the dishonesty and depravity of the left.

I have issues with both extremes. Some of the 'woke' nonsense just that....nonsense.

I am more a centrist. Its the hypocrisy of Trump pretending to be conservative and Christian though that confuses me.

JahJah 2024-08-02 18:52:46 

It's painful when Black people misuse the term 'woke'.

Hopefully that's not what Cheeks is doing.

sudden 2024-08-02 20:13:40 

In reply to Capt Jerk Pork

It is weird when you and I are in the same side

InHindsight 2024-08-02 20:15:55 

For all those who deny

Watch This and tell me we make it all up.

Back to the old tricks again

sudden 2024-08-02 20:16:33 

In reply to InHindsight

You drop open ended statements and when asked to clarify or give examples so that you are fully understood, you hide behind stale excuses

That is enough for me

You carry on

sudden 2024-08-02 20:19:21 

In reply to InHindsight

Did it happen to you?

I didn’t happen to me

When I google Trump I get news about Trump

Cheeks 2024-08-02 20:35:02 

In reply to JahJah

It's painful when Black people misuse the term 'woke'.

Well...the term has been perverted. I kinda take your point that original meaning should be allowed to stand...but unfortunately all sorts of nonsense has been lumped under the woke banner. I do understand that though that one can't change a word because people misuse it. Its kinda complex to be fair.

InHindsight 2024-08-02 20:40:01 

In reply to sudden

You're the only one who asks me to clarify bruh. I am as generous as can be in what I say.

You know well that we don't discuss verbally.

That is enough for me

You carry on

This confirms my perception of you. And by that I mean how you like to debate. Lol

BeatDball 2024-08-02 23:23:07 

In reply to sudden You're a fool to always doubt what's plain & straight! rolleyes

Drapsey 2024-08-06 01:34:41 

Can't have a First Gentleman who is a cheat.

Doug Emhoff’s ex-wife responds after second gentleman admitted to affair with nanny

Second gentleman Doug Emhoff’s ex-wife released a statement defending her ex after he confessed to having an affair with a nanny during their marriage.

"Doug and I decided to end our marriage for a variety of reasons, many years ago," Kerstin Emhoff told the Washington Post in a statement Saturday. "He is a great father to our kids, continues to be a great friend to me and I am really proud of the warm and supportive blended family Doug, Kamala, and I have built together."

Imagine having a cheat in the Whitehouse. redface

Just trying to help out my new friend, InHindsight.

InHindsight 2024-08-06 21:45:11 

Omg. Kamala's word salads are so painful to listen to.

Check this

Sorry Joe

InHindsight 2024-08-06 21:56:21 

Is this an intellectual? A former magistrate vying to be president of the most powerful country in the world?


I dare any lefties to deny the horror

powen001 2024-08-06 22:35:25 

In reply to InHindsight

go in your bed.

hug up the pillow and cry.

I dont think you can take this BLUE Tsunami coming

doosra 2024-08-06 22:35:47 

In reply to InHindsight

you have come out of the woodwork dude

Brerzerk 2024-08-06 22:51:20 

In reply to InHindsight

Do you know the definition of 'Magistrate?' Did you mean to say Kamala was an advocate ( a professional practicing law) rather than one sitting on the bench (no pun intended).
Your emotional and 'weird' outbursts only serves to remind who/what kinda ppl. Chump says he loves. 'Oh I love the...'

sudden 2024-08-06 23:10:29 

In reply to InHindsight

Really? Word salad and you supposedly support Trump?

Trump and word salad go like transgenders and republicans

InHindsight 2024-08-07 01:09:49 

In reply to sudden

Trump verbosity is far more palatable that Kamala's word, what you umma call it?

sudden 2024-08-07 01:14:57 

In reply to InHindsight

I know right.

When Harris said this I was completely floored-

“All they know is electric. They want electric army tanks. They want electric planes. What happens if the sun isn’t shining while you’re up in the air?

InHindsight 2024-08-08 00:19:32 

In reply to sudden

You get floored by any nonsense Harris says.

Even if she can't face the media because she will sound foolish.

Such a disgrace that a so called academic can't string properly a few sentences.

Makes Biden look like a genius.

Can't you believe only recently Biden was admitted to be in cognitive decline? Now they hiding Kamala. Wow

sudden 2024-08-08 00:24:07 

In reply to InHindsight

Yeah the above quote re planes is a thing of beauty

Beautiful words

Beautiful imagery

Beautiful phrasing

Beautiful truth

InHindsight 2024-08-08 00:41:33 

In reply to sudden

You're comical. That's all

InHindsight 2024-08-08 01:32:42 

Israel's Mossad continue to intrigue me.

If you so wish to be blown away, do your due diligence

InHindsight 2024-08-08 01:48:16 

In reply to powen001

One of us will be disappointed on Nov 5th

JayMor 2024-08-08 03:36:21 

In reply to sudden

When Harris said this I was completely floored-
“All they know is electric. They want electric army tanks. They want electric planes. What happens if the sun isn’t shining while you’re up in the air?"

Rass, me bwoy, like yuh want fe put Drapsey outta bizniz! lolbig grinlol

Then came the mindless...
You get floored by any nonsense Harris says.

And I know you exclaimed "Bingo!" to rass. HeHeHe!


InHindsight 2024-08-08 03:42:56 

In reply to JayMor

You trying to convince Sudden he nut stupid he smart?

Yuh not funny bro


Brerzerk 2024-08-08 03:49:37 

In reply to InHindsight

For 'your type' silence is oft golden and a clean page is self-preservation.
Stop typing fart. Kamala's father is a retired academic. Kamala has never been.
Reminder, she is not a magistrate active nor retired; she's never sat on a bench.

JayMor 2024-08-08 03:52:17 

In reply to InHindsight

Don't try too hard, boss. De man ketch yuh, hook, line and sinker. lol


InHindsight 2024-08-08 11:18:47 

In reply to JayMor

For you guys black is white and white is black. A man is a woman and a woman is a man.

And you'd think y'all can have serious a serious about anything

JayMor 2024-08-08 13:50:19 

In reply to InHindsight

That very post above is an inversion. Like I said, and it's plain for everyone to see, you were caught by Sudden. Just admit it, man, or shut up.


InHindsight 2024-08-08 14:04:18 

In reply to JayMor

Sudden cannot catch me because I am not dishonest and obscure in what I report.

Why shrink in fear when you are honest and speak truth?!

You speak untruths and want to admit to the lies? You really expect me to?

What's fair game for you guys is either mud slinging or to lower the debate to childish digs

JayMor 2024-08-08 18:49:35 

Anyone else gets the impression that InHindsight here could be more like InBlindsight and really cannot tell that he got caught by Sudden? He couldn't be that daft so I don't believe that's the case.

In reply to InHindsight
Too many words that to say "OK, Sudden, you got me".


InHindsight 2024-08-08 19:35:10 

In reply to JayMor

You must be wacko. It has to be

sudden 2024-08-08 19:42:54 

In reply to InHindsight

You never explain your obscure claims when asked to

You never post links and when asked, you want others to verify or disprove your dubious statements

Either you are afraid or you are dishonest

Take your pick

nick2020 2024-08-08 20:27:40 

In reply to sudden

makes you wonder if he is not an alt. hm.

How many handles can you possible manage sudden?

sudden 2024-08-08 20:32:59 

In reply to nick2020

ItoldUso big grin