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HEADLINE: ICC chair advocates breaking up of West Indies cricket
2024-12-06 12:10:11
Outgoing ICC chairman Greg Barclay has questioned whether structural change to the board's membership system is needed, advocating for the abolition of Full Member status and breaking up West Indies into island teams.
Barclay completed his term as ICC chair on December 1, handing over the position to Jay Shah for the next three years. In an interview with Telegraph Sport during the Christchurch Test match between England and New Zealand, Barclay touched on several subjects relevant to his tenure, among them the future of Test match cricket, and whether it was feasible for all countries that currently play it to continue to do so.
In particular, he highlighted the plight of Cricket West Indies, which has faced significant financial difficulty over the last few years, particularly heightened during the Covid-19 pandemic. Under the ICC's model from 2024-27, West Indies will receive a less than a five per cent share of ICC earnings.
“You look at the West Indies, I love what they’ve done for the game, but is the West Indies in its current form sustainable?” said Barclay. “Is it time for them to break into each of their islands?
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2024-12-06 13:59:57
Mr. Barclay is not aware of the importance and the cultural attachment of the WI team to the Caribbean. If the WI team was broken up into separate countries cricket standards would drop even more in the islands
2024-12-06 14:01:54
2024-12-06 14:09:46
In reply to
Music to my ears…long overdue..time to extricate ourselves from this vestige of colonialism
2024-12-06 14:16:20
In reply to FanAttick
You are going to be tarred and feathered....Been saying this for 62 years...since 1962 when
Yard changed its flag. Be on guard 
2024-12-06 14:42:43
2024-12-06 14:46:00
In reply to hubert
My back broad bro
2024-12-06 14:50:48
West Indies cricket is already broken up due to island insularities, with one island dominating selection of their own players despite performance, while more talented players from other islands are denied selection. I have a colleague at work from another cricketing country, who has been watching West Indies cricket from our dominant days, he observed that WI is quick to discard performing players for lesser talented and less performing players, which have contributed to the gradual decline of West Indies cricket.
2024-12-06 14:54:46
In reply to Slipfeeler
The late great Tony Cozier used to justify the selection of marginal and unproven Bajan players by talking about their “obvious talent”…stats be dammed
2024-12-06 15:02:51
In reply to
We the people don't own WI cricket anyway....CWI is a PRIVATE entity that do what they and when they want....
2024-12-06 15:06:20
Don’t know if this guy understands Geography- how is he going to break up Guyana into an island?
Does he think Guyana is surrounded by water like the UK, Australia, NZ or Sri Lanka?
2024-12-06 15:14:00
In reply to dayne
Mr. Barclay is not aware of the importance and the cultural attachment of the WI team to the Caribbean. If the WI team was broken up into separate countries cricket standards would drop even more in the islands
Mr Barclay is more aware than you think.....'Who is Who" in cricket reads dis board
2024-12-06 15:17:44
In reply to Acid
DE man tempting fastest growing economy in de world...
2024-12-06 15:35:53
2024-12-06 15:46:02
2024-12-06 16:01:23
2024-12-06 16:11:53
In reply to velo
Guyana is a fast growing economy
Is dat a joke for you?
2024-12-06 17:42:04
In reply to Narper
i was just poking fun i have nothing against guyana except that statement is ridiculous
2024-12-06 18:34:27
You know at this stage, I say leh we go with that. No sign of our islands ever wanting to form a single political entity. Why then should we worry to have a single cricket team that in any event brings nothing to the international table. It would be interesting if we all start at the lowest international level and see which island will make its way furthest and fastest. My money will be on Jamaica with their inbred competitiveness in sport.
2024-12-06 18:35:06
2024-12-06 19:07:59
Jordan /Springer/Drakes
Blades/ C Holder
2024-12-06 19:16:46
2024-12-06 19:25:07
2024-12-06 19:38:27
Yes mr barclay is right. Guyana wants to go it alone. we have the best fans in the west indies.
I was in florida watching CPL games a few years ago and i only see Guyanese fans.
No trini fans in florida.
Guyanese fans everywhere.
Guyana can go it alone and be successful.
2024-12-06 19:40:44
Mr Greg Barclay is a intelligent man.
2024-12-06 19:42:45
Bonner/ Jordan Johnson
O Smith/ Mansingh/ R Lewis
2024-12-06 19:44:00
AYuh think it bad now, wait till go it alone start
2024-12-06 19:54:18
In reply to ray
At least Guyana will beat Brazil, Venezuela and Surinam and even Mexico
Check who playing here
2024-12-06 19:57:34
In reply to
2024-12-06 19:57:51
In reply to Narper

2024-12-06 19:58:40
In reply to mikelegend
dat team can't beat Thailand in a cricket match
2024-12-06 20:05:49
Man this guy jeremy smh
i hope the guyana government paying you good money
2024-12-06 20:06:09
In reply to FanAttick
The late great Tony Cozier used to justify the selection of marginal and unproven Bajan players by talking about their “obvious talent”…stats be dammed big grin
that dude became one of the many malignant tumors in west indies cricket
2024-12-06 20:25:25
Antigua and Barbuda
K James
R Cornwall
J Andrew
K Henry
K Gore
H Walsh
A Joseph
K Pitman
M Greaves
G Williams
J Spencer
2024-12-06 20:51:08
In reply to ray
Well, expectations will be much less and we will start at the bottom instead of making our way there slowly and surely!
2024-12-06 21:05:02
Who is Greg Barclay?
Greg Barclay is a Canadian- New Zealand Sports Administrator who was the ICC chief. I suggest he does some more research as the highlighted is an ignorant assertion:
What they’ve achieved in cricket is phenomenal when you think that they are a group of disparate islands that don’t really have anything in common, other than cricket, and yet they’ve held themselves together for that period of time as the West Indies.
I guess he never heard of Caricom , OECS, Eastern Caribbean dollar, Slavery, colonialism? Anyone can see what he is trying to do here the old divide and destroy trick. So West Indies cannot survive financially and competitively on its own but the individual islands can? The same challenges of T20 freelance leagues will become even more a challenge as I doubt that any of these cricketing islands on their own will ever gain Test status in the next 20-30 years.
2024-12-06 21:06:24
In reply to mikelegend
M GREAVES and G Williams who are they?
Not interested.
2024-12-06 21:30:19
In reply to voiceofreason
Give me two more names…
2024-12-06 21:35:31
2024-12-06 23:46:43
In reply to FanAttick
Also music to my ear, long over due too much insularity ,dirty politricks and incompetent baboons running west indies cricket
i would prefer live and die with my last place island team. now i can feel some pride and choke up when I hear my national anthem
West indies cricket has being a misnomer for many years now. it is about time this "feeding at the trough band" get disbanded
2024-12-06 23:49:32
The tail has being wagging the dog for too long
2024-12-06 23:54:34
This guy is a shithong. Suggesting a bunch of stuff while leaving. Did nothing while there.
2024-12-07 00:25:44
2024-12-07 01:00:06
In reply to voiceofreason
I guess he never heard of Caricom , OECS, Eastern Caribbean dollar, Slavery, colonialism? Anyone can see what he is trying to do here the old divide and destroy trick. So West Indies cannot survive financially and competitively on its own but the individual islands can? The same challenges of T20 freelance leagues will become even more a challenge as I doubt that any of these cricketing islands on their own will ever gain Test status in the next 20-30 years.
he isn't making an iota of sense. just another idiot trying to make cricket smaller and more elitist. problem is that for 15 years, a proletariat side was the greatest team in the history of team sports. No football team in the 80s was as good as the WI, perhaps brazil 82 had the skills and swagger, but they didn't have the success. Argentina was a one man army. the lakers could be beaten by the celtics. not even the all blacks in the 80s were as good as the WI. Its an unprecedented achievement
Americans don't know about cricket, but this is an article by an american website on the most dominant sports teams. here is there description on the WI
Ten years at the top of the ICC Test rankings. This team, collected from a group of tiny islands, had the entire world in a chokehold. Graham Gooch probably didn't expect the decade-long tear these guys went on after he threatened to "make them grovel."
If you extend this to the mid-90s, West Indies cricket did not lose a test series in 15 years. They played 29 test match series and never lost any of them.
With players like Richards, Lloyd, Garner, Marshall, and Ambrose, they terrorized and demolished all opposition, home and away.
The late 70s-90s team is the closest thing to a dynasty that cricket has seen
2024-12-07 01:29:40
In reply to voiceofreason
I too was particularly pissed by his suggestion that we are a bunch of islands with nothing in common besides cricket......then i read some of the comments here including the obligatory attack on Barbados.... and accepted that more and more divides us that unites us.
If his tactic was to divide and rule it is working a peach
2024-12-07 02:24:14
In reply to Jumpstart
Yes you are onto something there. These guys are still smarting that an all black/East Indian team, descendants of slaves and indentured laborers could dominate the game the Slave masters/ Colonialists taught them. Not just 2 years but 2 decades. They do not want to see WI ever dominate like that again so give them a mere 5% of the profit share and tempt their star players with freelance leagues all over the world as WI simply cannot pay them.
What about suggesting a greater share of the revenues as a stronger WI team is good for World Cricket? You know how many were ecstatic when WI win that Test vs Oz to draw the series? There was such an enthusiasm spike that day 3 of the English test the next summer was sold out.
2024-12-07 03:02:41
In reply to Logic All I want to know is how a Man like Barclay who I doubt has ever spent more than a month or two at a time can lecture us about the Caribbean and what ails our cricket team. I consider that to be an offense and if he were still the ICC Chief I believe he would have been made to apologise. While he was the chief what did he do to s
top India from taking over the council and benefiting from 40% of its revenues? What has he done to champion for more revenue for the poorer nations to ensure a competitive world product ?
Here he is admitting his failure to rein in India's powers:
Barclay said he hoped Shah would be able to leverage India's stature take the game out of the mess it was in. "I think he's got a great opportunity to use what he's got in his background to help India take the game to another level, but without making it sort of under the yoke of India as well," Barclay said. "We're really lucky to have India, they're a massive contributor to the game across all the measures, but one country having that amount of power and influence does distort a whole lot of other outcomes, which is not necessarily helpful in terms of that global growth
Barclay departs
As much as I champion fair selection and opportunity for players from the smaller islands Leewards and Windwards I would never suggest once that we go it alone. To each is own.
2024-12-07 03:33:07
In reply to velo
In reply to Narper
i was just poking fun i have nothing against guyana except that statement is ridiculous
The world bank in Guyana
2024-12-07 05:14:14
In reply to Logic
Agreed with yiu and VOR sentimenta. Look how he throw the bone and have the dogs fighting. Typically of well nah. I'll be banned from here if I type it. So.. a gone.
But so typical, would really be nice to say what he has dine in the 3 years since he's been leading the ICC but given India more of the pie then say WI getting less than 5 percent of the share. That happened under his watch.
But then again some of us need to be told what to do and how to feel about each other from Massa.
A stop a gone now for real.
2024-12-07 11:06:51
In reply to
Someone should tell Greg dat Guyana is not an island. the ICC
2024-12-07 11:21:25
Imagine that eh! now as individual territories we could look forward to a 5 Test Vincentian tour of Dominica; or even 5 ODI, 5 Test tour of Trinidad to Barbados or vice versa. India can tour Grenada for a 5 test series. Imagine Boxing Day Test between Guyana and Australia, while ST.Kitts hosts England and New Zealand in a triangular ODI series. How interesting that would be. We are on a forward move to conquering the world of cricket as individual territories.
2024-12-07 11:55:08
In reply to Narper
ok i had to go back and see what you wrote and you are right guyana has the fastest growing emerging economy i misread what you wrote i thought you were saying something different .
2024-12-07 12:56:38
I am trying my very best to understand his quoted statement. If he does not believe the WI is sustainable as a test cricketing nation due to financial implications then how will breaking up help? Isn't each WI territory poorer than a combination or territories? If he was so concerned about WI cricket why not change this ridiculous ICC model where only Australia, England and India benefit financially. The ICC has failed to be equitable and it almost feels like a plan to kill WI cricket. Other cricketing nations are suffering too financially because of the stupid model. The WI cannot even afford to have a reserve day for a final of their premier white ball competition. Spilt the money more evenly and allow us to develop our cricket. Otherwise just shut up.
2024-12-07 13:25:30
In reply to b4u8me2
West indies do not generate money for ICC, all the grounds in the caribbean are empty except for Guyana and T.rinidad
90% of the money are generated from India.
2024-12-07 13:58:16
In reply to velo
2024-12-07 14:53:35
In reply to b4u8me2
It almost feels like a plan to kill WI cricket.
With cricket now added to the Olympics, there will be no need for CWI.
Being insular will now be supporting your team and players.
Let us move on from CWI.
2024-12-07 18:47:53
In reply to openning
Must be you to come up with some ignorant diatribe eh. When Barbados went to the commonwealth games, they ever make a knockout match? They got canned in Malaysia in 1997 and got beat down in the women’s tournament a few years ago.
2024-12-07 21:33:15
In reply to Jumpstart
Barbados is an independent Island; it is time to be independent with cricket.
How many times did T&T make the Commonwealth game?
Don't be jealous, allyuh compete on the world stage at Golf, Soccer, T&F and other events.
Let Barbados earn some of its history..
Canada and the USA play cricket around the world.
2024-12-08 00:55:58
In reply to openning
Trinidad went to the champions league and finished second, only beaten by a group of Aussie professionals of much superior experience and changed the way T20 cricket was played internationally, a style that lasted for well over a decade. Brett Lee was the difference between the two sides. Barbados and Guyana went once and both embarrassed the region
2024-12-08 01:50:30
It's more of a political statement...coming from white man.....having many grudges against a team comprising only black.....
ICC talks about developing cricket among associates...
What happened to Zimbabwe cricket...
What happened to Kenyan cricket....
They were performing well in ICC tournaments...reaching ICC helped them...
Instead... Bangladesh & Afghanistan were given test status...promoted by sub continent teams....backed by ICC....which is nothing but stooge of India....
As posters are happy to go alone.....ICC will be more than happy to vanquish another black cricket it's coffer from making payment to full member.... distribute the savings among themselves and also fund UAE,Qatar,Oman, Saudi Arabia, IPL auction held there....
Who knows in coming years, few of them may become full member albeit at the cost of West Indies...
2024-12-08 12:31:22
In reply to Onionman0
WHO WERE NOT READY AND ONLY UNTIL THIS YEAR LOOKED REMOTELY READY. Ehsan Mani, pakistani president of the icc in 2004 said it was a big mistake to give bangladesh test status. for decades while commies were bashing their presence at the highest level, they gave stupid excuses for the fact that they have been largely uncompetitive anywhere. By the time Sri Lanka were 24 years old as an icc full member, they already had an ICC world cup title and a test series win in England. Bangladesh can't even dream of either
2024-12-08 13:01:29
In reply to Onionman0
.ICC will be more than happy to vanquish another black cricket team....
So ICC gonna turn Jamaica , T&T, Bim ,.Guyana et al, WHITE ? What kinda statement is that ?????
Has the IOC, IAAF, FIFA done so ???
A Nation stands on its OWN in International Sports. Grow up Its, 2024 soon to be 2025 ///
2024-12-08 15:40:59
In reply to hubert
Has the IOC, IAAF, FIFA done so ???
i don't believe any of those organizations had a black team dominate the sport for 20 years. Even brazil, brazil dominated from 58-70, and then took 24 years to win world title. If brazil had won the 58, 62, 66, 70, 74 and 78 world cups, i'll tell what would have happened, they'd have banned musical instruments from the stadiums. i know this because they eventually did this soon after socrates and zico graced the stage.
when jamaica cleaned up the sprints in london 2012, what did dick pound say without an iota of evidence? really need to take your head out the sand
have you ever heard anybody from india, pakistan or sri lanka suggesting the WI should disband
2024-12-08 16:44:36
In reply to
ok...he is outgoing..
kiss our collective arses on the way out.
2024-12-08 17:54:29
Here comes my Yardies friends again, many of whom I respect, always at the ready to break up things. They broke up the Federation, just because Big Island should have had more seats at the table. I guess, the same way of thinking has permeated all these years regarding West Indies cricket. Big Island should mean more players on the team.
As regarding "this vestige of colonialism", why don't we get rid of the name "West Indies"? And while we are at it, "Jamaica", "Barbados", etc - all vestiges of colonialism.
For West Indies cricket is one of the last things that bind us together - a people of common heritage whose common ancestors were separated and scattered across these islands and a continent.
We evolved with different insular cultures and practices, but we are still one common people and we embraced the colonial practice of cricket with unique vigour to ascended to the mountain top to become Kings of the game, notwithstanding the insularity that is always nibbling at the fabric that binds us. The same insularity that is likely now keeping us at the bottom.
What interesting about this moment, as we consider relieving ourselves of this vestige of colonialism, is that we are prepared to allow the thoughts of an outsider, not particularly one with our best interest at heart, to be the driver of our devolution - our own WI-exit.
2024-12-08 18:39:29
To the outgoing gentleman, I would quote Dr. Evil...
"How about no?!!"
2024-12-09 01:37:22
well this was always on the cards, this was the plan from the very beginning and it is aimed at never allowing the West Indies to be a world-beating team again, and stupid us have aided and abetted them in this nonsense, none of these islands will be awarded test status and even if they are, they will be relegated to the garbage can of test cricket
we should be exploring options to merge into one nation, instead, we are championing the thoughts of a white man who cares nothing about the success of the Caribbean in any area whatsoever
what a stupid thing to say West Indies is the last vestige of colonialism
The West Indies cricket team fought against colonialism and showed the world that a "black nation" could be Champions
they defeated every lily-white team of their era but our selfish ways will always be our undoing
Sadly I believe it will break up, in 2028 we will celebrate 100 years since the first test against England, or maybe we won't our stupidity will determine that.
2024-12-09 13:05:06
Let's use this recommendation as our Rally Cry!
2024-12-09 14:23:30
2024-12-09 14:51:33
In reply to hubert
A Nation stands on its OWN in International Sports. Grow up Its, 2024 soon to be 2025 ///
Thank you sir.
2024-12-09 15:33:37
In reply to hawk
I agree. West Indies right now are only two or three good batsmen away from a world beating team.
2024-12-09 15:34:05
In reply to powen001
Perfect response.
2024-12-09 15:55:27
We are better off united than divided; wake up, black people!
2024-12-09 15:55:28
In reply to hawk
we should be exploring options to merge into one nation, instead, we are championing the thoughts of a white man who cares nothing about the success of the Caribbean in any area whatsoever
I grew up during the federation, we cannot or should not be stagnant.
One only has to look at the Windwards and Leewards and see cricket's lack of growth and development.
I saw Barbados Vs Dominica this year and saw the number of players not given the opportunity.
With no CWI, Insularity will no longer be labelled when Barbados Pride compete.
Don't be afraid of change
We moved on from Federation; the same move can be made with CWI.
Larr Pullo
2024-12-09 15:58:11
It doesn't bother y'all that a white man telling y'all that you have nothing in common and should not unite? That doesn't give some of y'all pause and instead you're just agreeing with him?
2024-12-09 16:12:20
In reply to
mass it up so the dotties can combine again
2024-12-09 18:02:26
In reply to Larr Pullo
That white dude is late on this train. They don't have to tell us anything.
You se, that is the problem...them telling us what we ought to know .
They are the enslavers, aint...and why should we be still following their
policy of herding as in slavery ???????
Its 2024 nearly 2025 ....
Have we as black ,non whites become sovereign nations or have we ???
2024-12-09 18:11:25
In reply to Jumpstart
have you ever heard anybody from india, pakistan or sri lanka suggesting the WI should disband
They just don't care. And, truth be told, neither does Barclay. He's retiring, he's out of there; he was just asked a question in an interview. Quit thinking that the Caribbean matters to the wider world. The wider context is more interesting:
In addition to questioning whether continuing Test status was in the best interest of West Indies, Barclay also questioned whether it was in the best interest of Ireland, one of the 2018 additions to the Full Member list. Cricket Ireland cancelled hosting a bilateral series against Australia earlier this year, citing the costs of the series as a factor in the decision.
“There’s some structural change that probably needs to be contemplated,” said Barclay. “Some countries are trying to play Test cricket that maybe shouldn’t. Why are Ireland playing Test cricket? Whatever money they’ve got surely they should be investing into grass roots to try and grow their numbers. The only way to get kids to play the game is in short form. They’re not going to turn up and play red ball all day Saturday, all day Sunday. That’s not going to happen. Every time they’re playing a Test, they lose an enormous amount of money. Again, why would you do that? It makes no sense. Why is Zimbabwe playing Test cricket? They lose money on the broadcast deal, so it makes no sense at all."
One structural change Barclay mooted was a radical change to how the ICC itself is structured. The organisation currently has 12 Full Members - the 12 men's Test playing nations - and over 90 Associate members, with the large majority of funds and power shared between the 12 Full Members. Barclary suggested abolishing Full Membership entirely, and allocating revenue purely on a performance basis.
“The West Indies would say why do we go from full member to 14 associates [if we split into island nations]? But that is about really getting the governance thing right. Cricket is almost unique. You’ve got this group of full members, and you’ve got the rest. Surely just dispense with that and go, OK, someone’s number one, and somebody’s number 120. And you can move up and down, get ranked on performance, on and off the field. The higher up you go, the more money you get, the more exposure you get. And if you’re not performing, then you go down.”
2024-12-09 20:18:49
In reply to Larr Pullo
2024-12-09 20:27:21
In reply to KTom
patnas this does not sound like they don't care to me
Gavaskar feels it's time for the West Indies Cricket Board to take some hard steps
Indian legend Sunil Gavaskar, who faced the West Indies when they were at their prime, reacted to their downfall in modern-day cricket. Gavaskar, who made his debut against the West Indies, said that the West Indies cricket board needs to do something big after the team has suffered from consistent failures across formats. In an interview with the Indian Express, Gavaskar made a bold statement and said that the board should stop giving free money to players who are not performing.
He also said that the WICB should increase the fee for the test players so that more and more players can take this format. Gavaskar said, "If you know the West Indian temperament and you have that much in the bank before you score a run or take a wicket, I am not too sure about a lot of them if it actually matters whether they score runs or not. Because the money is in the bank. My suggestion would be to increase the Test match fees but don’t give them central contracts."
Why would Sunil Gavaskar give suggestions about something he doesn't care about
Wasim Akram, who watched Lara struggle to make runs in Pakistan, believes the responsibility of leadership may inspire him to great batting again. And Lara may just be the man to mould the West Indies team into a functioning unit.
This sounds like wasim akram doesn't care
2024-12-09 22:46:27
In reply to Larr Pullo
there's a trinidadian journalist who has noticed an increasing trend in cricket media. i'll post the quote
My biggest criticism of the doyen of Caribbean cricket writers is the unfillable hole he left at his passing. Had he not left us mere weeks short of eight years ago, he would have, I feel, eloquently and convincingly demonstrated the self-centeredness of leaving the ground.
But who nowadays leaps to the defence of West Indians who come under unwarranted attack from the outside world?
2024-12-09 22:59:26
2024-12-09 23:32:24
In reply to Larr Pullo
In reply to Larr Pullo
It doesn't bother y'all that a white man telling y'all that you have nothing in common and should not unite?
How is CARICOM unity progressing, is the common man free to move about in member countries?
2024-12-09 23:32:40
In reply to Larr Pullo
It doesn't bother y'all that a white man telling y'all that you have nothing in common and should not unite? That doesn't give some of y'all pause and instead you're just agreeing with him?
You know..I just responded and did not read anyone elses'... I aint gonna bother now either...
I would have thought...that the very points you highlighted were I take it your post is rhetorical...ah one from the West Indies- indeed not this forum ...of all places should be so clueless as to miss that glaring fact.
2024-12-09 23:51:55
There are 2 main reasons for NOT going it alone.
The first one has already been articulated here. If you think West Indies as a group of nations is too financially poor to compete, what Allyuh think the financial case will be if you go as individual nations?
The second main reason NOT to go it alone would be the resulting lack of international competition.
Individual countries MIGHT get the odd T20I matches thrown their way.
Definitely no test status. Highly unlikely ODI status.
Teams will play against other emerging nations and will have to qualify to play qualifying tournaments for World Cups.
That will be the extent of international competition for the foreseeable future.
1 or 2 teams might do well enough individually to get more top international competition than others…….but even that depends on the goodwill of the same ICC members.
For the country that has a lot of cricketers, where will those that don’t get selected to the first squad now play? What avenue will they have? 1st XI vs 2nd XI?
For all the insularity and discrimination that goes on that causes people to want to say GO IT ALONE……the above are the only real compelling reasons to abandon that thought.
The rest of it about kumbaya, unity, and more in common than differences etc is just fluff.
2024-12-10 02:23:50
In reply to imusic
It took Bim over 50 years to become a republic; one has to creep before walking.
Canada and the US play more cricket annually than all the Islands combined.
2024-12-10 02:40:07
In reply to openning
Canada and the US play more cricket annually than all the Islands combined
Against who?
2024-12-10 02:42:25
In reply to openning
ending the federation was a mistake everyone is now regretting, not only are all these Caribbean countries riddled with debt, but they also do not have the income-generating capacity to provide effectively for their populace let alone repay that debt, Barbados remains one of the most indebted nations of the world with an out-of-control cost of living, Trinidad is now grappling with a huge forex problem as their oil reserves have dwindled, and these are the two investment-grade nations of the Caribbean. Breaking up the West Indies will lead to the loss of valuable income from cricket tours since international cricket will be a thing of the past, the rest of the world is not interested in Barbados vs Uganda and those guys who are suggesting such a break know the value of cricket to the Caribbean and understand what it will do to us, but this is what they want. I see a mass exodus of talent to England and in a few decades we will be begging them to allow us to become colonies again, all this independence and republic stuff would become a joke as the rest of the world laughs at us
the man selling milk will always convince you your milk is bad
team selection will always be a bone of contention, everyone wants their "guy" on the field of play but only 11 can take the field, some will make it some won't. this is not uncommon, Isaiah Thomas is a talented basketballer yet he never played for the USA, it happens
I am sure you know the story of Carl Mullins
you don't break up a team because of insularity, beside i believe insularity will diminish the moment we implement full movement of players and dump national teams
2024-12-10 04:31:24
In reply to hawk
I am a product of the Barbados Hotel School; I also studied hospitality management.
you should ask the taxi drivers or the restaurants about English visitors during the English series.
Most visitors during that time come with all-inclusive packages. I spent three stays at Almond Beach Club in Christ Church on game days; these guest leave their hotels in chartered buses, along with Sandwiches, juices and snacks.
That sun and sea are to Barbados like Oil and gas to some other countries, and businesses on the Island benefit more from tourists than during a few day's cricket tour by England.
A tourist ship dock for 24 hours benefits the local businesses more so than an English tour.
Surely, the hotels enjoy the few days with the Brits; occupancy is not a concern during that period.
2024-12-10 12:44:25
In reply to hawk
Trinidad is now grappling with a huge forex problem
is not as bad as its being made out to be. its an election year so there will be a whole bunch of exaggeration. but yes, gas reserves, which has been the leading export since 2001, has declined thanks to TT being a mature province and the non-negotiation of gas contracts for the entirety of a 5 year period.
Breaking up the West Indies will lead to the loss of valuable income from cricket tours since international cricket will be a thing of the past, the rest of the world is not interested in Barbados vs Uganda and those guys who are suggesting such a break know the value of cricket to the Caribbean and understand what it will do to us, but this is what they want.
YES. but all this analytics yuh going into is overthinking it. WI, which is hardly a drain on the cricket economy because of its size, is not the issue here. the issue is that for some people, that 15 year, 29 series, unbeaten run hurts, almost 30 years since the streak was ended. they rell salty about it and that should make every west indian extremely proud. some people do not want the WI around because they are afraid at some point, there could be a return to the late 70s-early 90s era. by killing the west indies, they would have alleviated that possibility. this is as bad as Mark Nicholas saying gayle and co were short of brains
2024-12-10 22:54:47
In reply to Jumpstart
for some people, that 15 year unbeaten run hurts, almost 30 years since the streak was ended. they rell salty about it and that should make every west indian extremely proud. some people do not want the WI around because they are afraid at some point, there could be a return to the late 70s-early 90s era. by killing the west indies, they would have alleviated that possibility
this is accurate for sure, ever since that bouncer rule this was the mission, never allow West Indies to dominate world cricket again, I still say we have aided and abetted them in accomplishing this.
as for the forex issue in TnT, to businesses, it isn't good, especially those that need forex to buy raw materials and stock, it has even impacted companies in Barbados, Barbados and TnT are far more economically integrated than people think
for a country like Barbados, whose bread and butter is the tourist dollar, we need cricket tours, especially from India, England and Australia
2024-12-10 23:26:26
In reply to hawk
its easy for manufacturers to get forex, they fall under the EXIM bank facility. a lot of those ppl you see protesting are importers/exporters not manufacturers.
On the point of mark nicholas, he has also suggested the dissolution of the west indies. wolf in sheep's clothing if ever there was one. being maco's best friend and eulogy giver is his ticket to eternal coloredhood. i does read too much to let somebody like that fool me as to their REAL intentions
this is accurate for sure, ever since that bouncer rule this was the mission, never allow West Indies to dominate world cricket again, I still say we have aided and abetted them in accomplishing this.
thing is, WI run had to end at some point. viv, lloyd, greenidge, haynes, kalicharran were irreplaceable players. With the retirements of holding and co, we got almost like for like replacements in ambrose, walsh and bishop, and the west indies was very fortunate in that respect. But as a lot of people like to forget, conveniently, once the batting left, the WI started to lose if lara or adams didn't produce. but you are right again, the west indies should not have gone 30 years in perpetual decline.
2024-12-10 23:27:21
2024-12-10 23:49:04
2024-12-11 01:01:05
In reply to Jumpstart
The West Indies should not have gone 30 years in perpetual decline.
we should have put things in place from early, the handwriting was on the wall. so now we are in the doldrums of world cricket, good bowling and poor batting, while I hope this doesn't see the light of day, I am concerned. June of 2028 will be 100 years of Test Cricket for us, hopefully, that centennial test will be against England
2024-12-11 01:09:52
Have you guys ever wondered why some people don't want to reform the system?
2024-12-11 01:56:31
In reply to hawk
Since you were a part of the Federation ,tell me which Island was to supposed to bear almost 60 per cent
of the financial burden of the Federation...When you respond then I will reply . Go ahead.
Guyana which was British Guiana then was NOT part of the 10 member Federation.
Don't delay. I am ready to dish or lash or bash.
2024-12-11 13:19:37
In reply to camos
Have you guys ever wondered why some people don't want to reform the system?
is dat 15 years bro. that 15 years hurt men to their soul and shred every single inch of supremacist pretentions they had. Even if they're supremacists now, they'll know at the back of their minds that we are all equal in here. that 15 years was the most influential period in cricket's history bar none. As imran khan said once, the 80s West Indies was an event, a freak of history that fundamentally altered everything that would come after it
2024-12-11 15:45:53
In reply to b4u8me2
I am trying my very best to understand his quoted statement. If he does not believe the WI is sustainable as a test cricketing nation due to financial implications then how will breaking up help? Isn't each WI territory poorer than a combination or territories?
If West Indies is broken up and the individual territories receive an equal share of ICC annual disbursement to CWI, each with the exception of Barbados would be better off.
2024-12-11 16:55:27
In reply to Jumpstart
Was the team TnT beat a national team, asking for a Tit friend.
2024-12-11 17:35:21
In reply to hawk
hopefully, that centennial test will be against England
2024-12-12 03:25:49
In reply to imusic
No particular reason, I just feel we should be playing and beating them for that test match hopefully by then our up and coming players would be seasoned
2024-12-12 19:41:54
In reply to hubert
I am ready to dish or lash or bash.
not with me you won't, if you want a discussion I am gamed.
but i think those you felt they had to pay 60% (as you put it) ended up paying more
2024-12-12 20:29:48
In reply to hawk
And who are the they ?
And by the way, I do not have discussions with anyone who is not well informed.
Are you. ?